Amphibia Ever After: Part 1

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hello hi hey there yes this is yet another marcanne fluff fic because frankly i am a gay in need of gay fluff. very first fic ive ever written, so constructive criticism is always appreciated! dont expect it to be good is basically what im saying. nothing sexual, all of the main cast is 16 and she/they anne + ADHD marcy bc yes. enjoy! <3


It was a slightly stormy day, as Anne laid on her bed, staring at the scars on her palms from all of her battles throughout amphibia and beyond. She thought of all of the different reasons for the scars, and what each one of them meant. They ran up both her arms and many on her body as well. Amphibia didn't go easy on her, that's for sure .She thought about Sasha's scar on her eye, and how terrified she felt when she got it. To this day seeing it makes them a little anxious. But none of that compared to-

Anne's phone started blaring her K-Pop ringtone, making her practically jump out of her skin. She fumbled to turn the ringer off, but ended up knocking it off her bed. She groaned and slid down to grab it and see who interrupted her recaps.


                                           Accept                               Decline

Her heart felt like it was going to pound straight out of her chest. She never normally got this nervous about Marcy calling. At least, they didn't use to... She inhaled deeply to try to calm her nerves, which evidently didn't help much, and hit the answer button.

Before she could even put the phone to her ear, they could already hear her friend yelling. Anne could barely make out what she was saying, and tried to interject to get her to slow down, to no avail. Finally she half shouted, half laughingly said "Slow down Wu, I cant understand a word you're saying!"

Marcy let out a laugh and said, "Sorry sorry, just got really excited. As I was SAYING, before I was so RUDELY interrupted!" Anne let out a giggle and rolled her eyes slightly. They always thought it was funny when she was so overly dramatic.

You know that game that I've literally been obSESSED with lately? The one I keep bugging you and Sash about and rambling about and how I can't wait for the sequel?" She continued on without letting Anne even give a confirmation. "Well they're finally releasing the sequel!! Tonight! I am ridiculously excited for this, you have no idea"

 Anne cut in with, "I think I might have a bit of an idea, I do know you after all." Marcy let out a giggle that made their heart skip a couple of beats. Jesus, there's no way she can be this cute.

Marcy continued, oblivious to Anne's internal crisis, "Well, the reason I called wasn't just to gush about how excited I was, I wanted to invite you and Sash for a sleepover! I was hoping we could all stay up late and play it once it releases at midnight!."

Anne couldn't help but let a big smile creep over her face. Nothing sounded better than spending some time with Sasha and Marcy right now. "I'd love to Mar-Mar, want me to pickup some snacks before I come? Liiiiiiiike maybe a pack of double-stuff oreos?"

Marcy giggled again and said, "I'm so glad you know my favorites, maybe pick up a few monsters as well? I know 

they don't really affect me in terms of energy, but I just like the taste." Anne snapped her fingers into finger guns, despite the fact that nobody else was in the room, "You got it, boss. See you around 7?"

Anne could hear Marcy rifling clothes and cans, presumably cleaning up before she got there. "That sounds perfect, see you then!" She had clearly set down the phone by that point, she sounded far and Anne could hear her moving as well. She smiled to herself again and thought She can be so scatterbrained sometimes, it's so cute. "Later, skater." They hit the end call button and flopped onto her bed. She squealed into her pillow and tried not to combust on the spot from blushing so hard. She was just so cute, it was unbearable!

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