Amphibia Ever After: Part 4

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what is UP all you lovely people reading this! we back in it with the gayness and the bashfulness, which i know yall like. expect chapters to be coming out not as quickly as they have been, because as much fun as i have writing these, I am getting a bit worn out writing so much, plus i need some time to think of more ideas for the story! Ill also be brainstorming ideas for that sashannarcy fic i talked about previously, so keep an eye out for that ;) as always, very very new to writing fanfiction, so constructive criticism is very much appreciated! that out of the way, lets get on with the show!


Marcy "POV"

Marcy was in her room alone for the first time since she and Anne had begun dating. And despite how happy the girl was, she was incredibly anxious about something. Anne's birthday. Anne was going to be turning 17 in just a few days, and despite how much she adored Anne, she hadn't gotten anything for her yet.

She didn't even know where to start. If she was being honest, she didn't feel like she had the right to get Anne anything. Despite it being 4 years ago, she still remembers that awful feeling when Anne found out what had happened. Vividly. She hadn't meant for things to turn out the way that they had.

Despite that, and despite how much tragedy surrounded that damn music box, Marcy wouldn't change it if she could. Amphibia was such a massive part of their lives, and it helped them grow as people. There were a few things she could've done without, however.

She touched her hand to her scar, feeling her heartbeat through it. Those nightmares... would they ever stop? Or would she be stuck reliving the worst moments of her life?

A knock at her door brought her out of her deep thought. A little startled, she said, "Um, come in?" The door creaked open and in poked the head of the girl that she had been missing so much. "Hey dude, I'm back from the store finally."

 A grin formed on Marcy's face as she lept towards her girlfriend. "Anne! I missed you!" She shouted. She tackled the girl and both ended up on the ground in a laughing fit. Marcy propped herself up on her arms to look at her better, and was reminded all over again how pretty her girlfriend was.

Everything about her screamed pretty, her hair, her eyes, her lips, her nose, her... lips... "Uhhh, you good dude?" Marcy blinked and was brought back to reality, realizing what she was doing. A blush quickly formed on her face and she stood back up, stiffly and awkwardly. "Y-yup! All good!" Jeez, I'm a mess right now . She thought to herself.

She reached a hand out to Anne to help her up off of the floor, which they quickly took and picked herself up. "Aw man, that kinda ruined the surprise I had for you, "Anne said, seeming disappointed. Marcy tilted her head to the side slightly, "Surprise?"

Anne's head snapped up and she smiled wide. "Oh good, you didn't see it. Close your eyes!" Marcy laughed at this, but she complied, holding her hands out in front of her. "There's actually two parts to this surprise, aaaaaaaaand here's the first part!" She felt something cold and slightly heavy be set into her hands.

 "Okay okay, you can open them now!" She opened her eyes to see a monster can, her favorite flavor too. "Awe Anne, that's so sweet! My favorite flavor too!" Anne nodded, "Mhm mhm, are you ready for the second part of your surprise?" Marcy opened the can, and took a sip, sighing as she did so. "Man, I've been craving one of these. But yea, what's the second part?"

Anne's smile grew as she said this. "Alright, close your eyes again." Marcy complied once again and held her free hand out. But instead of the expected weight in her hand, she felt lips pressing against her cheek. Anne's lips. Marcy's face grew hot and her eyes flew open, and she stared wide eyed at the girl. They giggled at this and stated, "It's always so cute seeing you so flustered."

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