Amphibia Ever After: Part 2

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yooooo we back in it with chapter 2 already. I had such a blast writing the first part I couldnt help writing more. I dont know why I havent done this before, its such a blast! anyways, hope you enjoy part 2 of this story, i know i enjoyed writing it! as always, i am very new to writing fanfiction, so constructive criticism is very much appreciated! now onto the gayness

also its more gay this time around you're welcome


Anne "POV"

Despite how much anxiety Anne had about their new relationship status, she actually ended up sleeping quite well. In fact, she was probably never more relaxed than when Marcy was in their arms. Every time she took a breath, when she wiggled a bit in her sleep, the little sounds that she made, Anne's heart melted further and further. They were simply dumbfounded at how somebody could be this cute.

As the sun rose over the mountain line, the sunrays bathed her and Marcy in a brilliant yellow hue. The sun hitting their eyes caused her to stir awake, and upon waking up, she was reminded of her situation. They and Marcy are dating now. And were currently cuddling like they had been doing it for years.

A slight blush creeped over her face as she rubbed the girls back slightly. They didn't want to wake her up, but they couldn't help giving some form of affection. Marcy stretched slightly and looked up at the girl holding her. "Good morning, Mar-Mar." They said, in a soft, gentle voice. Marcy yawned, which could have killed Anne with how adorable it was.

"Mmmm... Mornin' Anne" Anne placed a kiss on the girls head and said, "We oughta get up, my breath smells like death. Which I don't imagine is too pleasant with how close we are." Marcy shrugged and replied, "Eh, I don't really mind. Besides, " She squeezed Anne a little tighter, "I don't wanna stop holding you..."

Anne chuckled softly to herself, "Well, I don't like that you have to deal with it, so Ill go do us both a favor and brush." As Anne slid out of bed, Marcy protested. "Noooooooo, don't gooooo" She made a pouty face as Anne walked across the room. "Ill be back soon, don't worry." They gave a smile to her, which she reciprocated. "Fine, but you'd better be quick"

As Anne walked to the bathroom to brush their teeth, the situation began to dawn on her. The fact that Anne was stressing about her complicated feelings for Marcy only heightened, now that they knew she felt the same. What's Sasha gonna think when she finds out? Will she be mad?

Despite all of these feelings and worries, they simply couldn't be happier. We're dating. We're finally dating! She thought, a grin creeping over her face. The more she thought about it, the happier they got.

For the months that they had been back from Amphibia, all she could think about was Marcy. About how much about her they liked, and how she hoped that she would think the same for her. They spat the toothpaste out and started towards her new girlfriend's room. She was somehow thinking even more about her than she did before, which they didn't think was possible, to be frank.

She walked back into Marcys room to see her sitting up, looking somewhat melancholic. Anne gave a concerned look and sat down next to her. "Hey, you alright?"

Marcy gave a half shrug in response, and turned to look at them. "I was just kinda thinking. Since we're...yknow, dating now...does that mean we have to go on dates?

Anne put an arm around her and brought her closer, trying to calm her nerves. "Well, that is the definition, I suppose. But what do dates mean to you?" She shrugged again and said, "I have no idea, I've never had a partner before. And all of the stuff I've seen on tv about it doesn't really appeal to me. I guess I'm just scared about messing up and making you hate me."

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