Amphibia Ever After: Part 3

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i seriously cant stop writing these, they're just so much fun! im already having idea for different stories, liiiike maybe a sashannarcy fic soon?? maybe perhaps? i dont know how great i would be at writing polyamory, but i can sure as HELL give it a shot! and im sure you guys would let me know if it wasnt good<3 as always, very new to writing fanfiction so constructive criticism is VERY appreciated, and enjoy!

also im sure if you're reading this you've seen it already, but just in case, there are brief spoilers for True Colors


Marcy "POV"

"Marcy, hurry!" Anne said from the portal, with a very frantic tone. Marcy fumbled with the music box, trying to get the portal to begin to close as she jumped in. "I-I just need to-" She was cut off by the feeling of an excruciating burning sensation travel from her back to her chest. A look of horror spread across her face, and she looked down to see a flaming metal blade piercing her torso.

Marcy's vision began to fade as she heard from behind her, "Now look what you made me do..." King Andrias. The lying bastard himself. How did she manage to lose to this tool? She was smarter than that, at least she thought. She could hear a loud ringing forming in her ears as she looked back at Anne.

A look of agony and terror was on their face as well. This was all Marcy's fault. If she hadn't bought the music box... She used what little strength she still had to say. "I... I'm sorry... for everything" She felt her legs give out and she began to plummet to the floor. Muffled, as if incredibly far away, she heard Anne yelling, "Marcy!" A blinding flash of light was the last thing she saw before she hit the floor, the last of her life fading from her-

Marcy suddenly jolted awake, scared, trembling, and confused. She looked around to see herself embraced by Anne, who thankfully was still asleep. I thought I was done with these stupid nightmares, haven't I paid enough? She thought to herself, feeling somewhat hopeless.

As she started to wake up more, she could hear the soft, rythmic thumping of Anne's heart. Such a relaxing sound to wake up to. She could hear every breath they took, and every exhale they let out. Inhale...exhale.

Normally Marcy would go on a walk or draw to calm herself after a nightmare, but listening to Anne sleeping so soundly was doing a far better job. Still, being reminded about that day shook her up quite a bit, and she was still trembling slightly at the thought of it.

Marcy felt a hand suddenly touch her head and began to run down her hair. She looked up and saw Anne with a slightly concerned look on her face. "Hey Mar-Mar, another nightmare?" Marcy looked back down and nodded in response.

She heard Anne exhale and say, "Well, we can stay here as long as you need to calm down, okay?" Marcy could feel tears welling up in her eyes, and she knew that if she tried to say anything she might start actually crying, so she just nodded again.

Anne continued to brush her hair, and Marcy simply listened to the sound of her girlfriends heart and breathing. Inhale...exhale.

Marcy found herself subconsciously matching her breathing to Anne's, which for one reason or another, was helping calm her down. Inhale...exhale.

After some time, Marcy finally looked back up at Anne and said, "Okay... I think I'm alright now." Anne's brushing slowed down as she replied, "Do you wanna talk about the nightmare? It's totally okay if not, but that sometimes helps me."

Marcy shook her head slowly, "No, I don't think... I want to..." Anne planted a kiss on her head, which despite the situation, still managed to make Marcy's heart leap. "That's okay. There's nothing wrong with simply letting it pass." They sat in silence for a while longer, which Marcy didn't mind. She really has never felt safer than in this girl's arms. Inhale...Exhale.

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