Chapter 2:

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Well first of all, I'm not going to mention my name just yet. But i'm 14 and that's a little young to be depressed.. Well atleast I think I'm depressed. I can laugh and stuff during the day but when I'm alone, all I can do is think bad thoughts and wanna cry. I mean, I'm supposed to be out having fun and hanging with friends and stuff. But how can I?

My only friends are Rose and my boyfriend, Lewis. Rose has pretty much been there for me through almost everything. She's like my sister pretty much. When I started having bad thoughts and things, me and here weren't really close. Actually we weren't close until the middle of this year.

She's been through alot too though. And her boyfriend was or is kinda like me. Depressed and stuff. His ex girlfriend of 1 and 1/2 years died in a car crash. He got really depressed and started cutting and stuff.. But that's really none of my business. All i know is that Rose is actually one of the only people i can trust other than Lewis.

Last year around the time I got bullied and stuff, my sister had started playing little league softball. Lewis' sister was on the same team. I had went to school with him in 2nd grade. I had a HUGE crush on him. When I started going to the softball games, I had a friend named Baylee. She was dating Lewis at the time. So when she was around him, so was I.

I was super jealous of her to be honest. I wanted to be with Lewis so bad. And then I tried to find excuses for Baylee to break up with him. I know, I know. I'm kind of a bitch. Anyways, she finally broke up with him. I was extremely happy. Me and him became bestfriends. We exchanged numbers and talked everyday. He told me everything and I told him everything. We were in an extremely good place. Until, i found out a secret of his.

So, I was at my cousins Jo. (she's the same age as me) and Lewis hadn't had his phone because he got in trouble or something. Anyways, I was looking through Instagram and this girl under the username "Em" something had followed me. She had a private account so I requested to follow her and she let me. All kinds of pictures was of lewis and in her bio, it said "Lewis stole my heart❤️"

Oh and did i forget to mention that before that he told me he liked me and we were "talking". Well, I went off on him when i could, with the help of Ally. After that, we didn't talk at all for 2 weeks. He text me and said he was sorry and still wanted to be friends. And I'm the kind of girl who really doesn't hold grudges. We became best friends again. We started talking on the phone every night for about 3 hours. And of course, I still liked him.

After about a month, he told Emali that he didn't wanna talk to her anymore. He told her that he liked me. (without me knowing he did this) how I figured out was: baylee had been over at my neighbors and came and knocked on my door and asked to talk. She told me that emali had text her and told her was Lewis said. I was pretty happy. but i kinda felt bad too.

We started "talking" again for about 2 months. And he went to one of his friends birthday party. He called me every night he was there. When they were getting ready to leave, He asked me out. I said yes😊. That official date was August 23, 2014. A day I will never forget.

I guess that's enough about that. But anyways, Let me get back to telling you what happened last year before i had rose and lewis.

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