Chapter 3:

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... I had no one to talk to. No one to comfort me. My parents told me i was kind of over exaggerating and needed to stand up for myself. But words do hurt. I refused to go to school for a week. And I didn't just threaten to kill myself, I attempted..

I was in my bathroom crying with a bottle of pills in my hand. I tried to yank open the bottle but I couldn't so I kept trying not noticing the toilet seat was open.. It came off but slung all of them into the toilet except for 5. I knew 5 wouldn't do it. But i took them anyways. I was so disappointed that it didn't work. I just wanted to die.. Not be with these horrible people anymore.

When I finally went back to school, I couldn't look anyone in the eye. I was scared. Scared to be dissed again. All i wanted is to fit in. Who doesn't? Who wants to be the person who has no friends and gets made fun of? Um, hopefully no one. "Bullying is not tolerated" is legit the biggest fucking lie ever. Yeah, you're supposed to turn people in. Well the school is but what the fuck man? What in the hell is up with these shithole schools?

I mean, no one wants to feel the way I felt. The way I still feel. It sucks guys, It really does. Knowing that tomorrow, I could die and maybe a few people would care.

Like a week after I returned to school, I was in Language Arts and the bell rung and it was me TM and Conner in the class and TM tripped me while i was packing my books and I fell flat on my face.. I started crying and then cussed him out and went to the office to calm down.

The principal asked what happened so i told. Then i went to the bathroom and called my mom and told her what had happened. She was majorly pissed and went to the school and went off. I understand. I would be pissed too.

After that, I got called a snitch and no one wanted to be my friend anymore. even tho i didn't have anyone anyways..

Then my grades went down. I cried all the time. I hated myself so much. Because how was i supposed to love such if everyone else so many reasons to hate myself?

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