Part 11- Robyn

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Once we got home from Enzo's parents house, Enz sat in the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. It was late on a sunday. What is he doing? I sat next to him at the island counter and looked at him as he sipped his wine. He looked at me and smiled a bit then pointed to my glass of wine.
"I poured that for you in case you were wondering" he said with a smirk. I was still annoyed at him for leaving the dinner table in such a hurry after his phone rang. And for not telling or showing me that he loves me lately. He's been pretty annoying to me lately so I'm not going to make this easy for him.
"Oh is it? I thought you were expecting company tonight. Will you be heading out after I go to bed?' I asked in a passive aggressive voice. He turned his body to me to give me his undivided attention. He looked me in my eyes and placed his hand gently on my knees. The "apology pose". He always did this before he was about to apologise. He's been doing this since we first started dating in college. I tilted my head and restes my arm on the counter, ready to hear what he had to say.
"Robyn..." he started.
"Enzo..." I followed.
"I've been a dick husband lately. I have no excuses, so I'm not even going to try with that." he laughed a bit. "Robyn, you are my best friend, my wife, and I want you to know that from now on I'll do better to show you how important you are to me. I've done some stupid shit in the past week. Like leave you home alone that night and act like that at the dinner table. I've just been so rude for no good reason and I don't know why. Today Cameran saw how I was acting and put me in my place and I realised how rude I've actually been." he said. I sipped my wine and waited for him to finish so I could start at him the way my mother taught me.
"I'm sorry Robyn. If I act like that again please tell me I'm wrong for that and I will do better I promise. From now on you are my main focus." He leaned in to kiss me and it felt like the most genuine thing to come out of his mouth in the past month. Onces his lips left my mouth I couldn't help but smile at him.
I stood up and moved closer to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck while he wrapped around my waist the way I loved. I smiled into his eyes, mesmerised by their hazel colour that looked green in some lighting. The curls of his hair that were brushed and gelled to the left of his head. The perfectly straight teeth and the perfect curve of his smile that got me when I first met him and is getting me now. I kissed the dimple on his right cheek the way I always love to.
"You're not going to do it again?" I asked, looking into his eyes.
"I promise. If I do , you have permission to kick me in the no-no square," he giggled. I laughed and shook my head before returning my lips to his.
"Enzo, I love you," I said. Praying to hear the words flow out of his mouth again. He stood up and kissed me. Slipping his tongue right in between my lips and taking my breath away. I couldn't pull away. He was depriving me of words and I didn't mind. He pulled at my shirt seconds before it was off. Then hurried me to the bedroom to continue our synchronised movements in the sheets.

The next morning I woke up to kiss on my head. My face pressed against the warmth of his chest. It hadn't been like this for a while. He'd always be up and ready to go by the time I wake up. Today he was still in bed, pressed against me like he had no intention of leaving. It was reassuring yet concerning.
I looked up at him and smiled. "You're still here." I said.
"Indeed I am"
"Still in bed. It's Monday," my face tilted in confusion.
"Wow. I didn't know I married Sherlock Holmes" He giggled before giving me a kiss. I sat up next to him, Pulling my blanket up over my chest.
"Don't you have work?"
"I called in sick. Figured we could spend the day together. Unless you have plans that I am not aware of," now he was the one tilting his head in confusion.
"No- no plans here" and then I thought of Clair. I can't cancel on Clair. We have to go for our run, our breakfast and diner. I looked at Enzo. "I actually need to go on a run," I said. He looked more confused now.
"You have to?" He asked.
"Yea, I promised Kayla we'd go together. It's been kind of our thing lately we go for runs with the girls that go running at the same time with us. It's pretty fun." I said. I jumped out of bed to get ready.
"Well if it's so fun, why don't I come with you?" he said.  I stopped looking for clothes for a split second.
I looked over my shoulder at him. "It's kinda a girls thing, you know? None of the other girls bring their husbands so I think It'd be weird if I did" I laughed a bit in hope that he'd get it.
"Ok, sounds good. I'll just hang out around here and make some breakfast." He said. I looked at him and walked back to the bed to give him a kiss.
"That'll be perfect," I said, smiling into his eyes. As I started to walk away he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me back into him. He smiled into my eyes.
"Pancakes?" he asked.
"I love your pancakes."  I smiled. He pulled me back in and kissed me before we began to make out again. I snaked out of his arms and went to get ready for my run with Clair.

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