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Chapter 1

Aurelia's POV

The sweet sugary taste of my mom's homemade muffins, are shared between me and my best friend Monte.

Today, Tuesday August 9 marks our first day back to school. This year I'm going to be a Sophomore in Riverview Creek Highschool.

Honestly I'm sorta nervous to go back. Freshman year wasn't too bad. I had some fairly nice teachers, not that much homework/projects, and I helped convinced Monte to ask "Crushie poo Ev" to be her boyfriend. Over the Summer I've been bonding with Monte more.

Me and her have been friends since Elementary. We had our ups and downs a few times, but sometimes disagreements is what makes a friendship stronger.

Mom: Aurelia, I think you and Monte should go catch the bus before you end up late to school. It's your first day back, so I want you guys to be on time.

Me: Alright ma!

Me and Monte grab our backpacks from out the living room and start making our way to the front door. I picked up my pet Bearded Dragon (Lodi) and kissed her head before placing her back down in her tank.
I waved goodbye to my mom and headed out the front door with Monte.

Our walk to the bus stop

Monte and I were walking to the bus with our sexy outfits. I had just bought mine 2 days ago and Monte just got her's yesterday.

Monte: "We look like bae's for real."

Monte's Oufit (Hairstyle included)

My Outift: (Hairstyle included)

Me: Honestly I can't believe it's the first day of school again. Summer was so chill, now we gotta deal with the shits again.

Monte: Girl, ya think I wanna be back in that nasty smelling school with hoodlums that act like they ain't got balls. Seriously, the only "right" at this school is Evan.

Me: Of course Evan is a right for you. You're lucky enough to catch a guy like him. And, I mean a white choc-o-late.

Monte: *smirks* Girl hush, just because I'm lucky doesn't mean you aren't gonna be too. We sista's hunny. When good luck comes to me, it comes to you.

Me: Yeah, you gonna be talking all that and wish bad luck on my ass instead of good luck. Shesh.

Bus arrives and we get on

Monte and I walked down the bus isle as we skim through all the seats. The front seats were filled with rich white girls that were in sitting with their groups.

One of the girls look at me and rolled her eyes. She had blonde hair, bright red lipstick, and lots of mascara on. She looked like she came from outta the trash side of Hollywood or like those needy girls that would make out with any dudes that steps foot in front of them. I don't know, she looks like both.

I stared back at her and so did Monte. Yeah, ain't it funny seeing two Black teens getting on the bus. Last time I check black girls were allowed to get out this bus, especially the ones who are smart enough to skip 2 grade levels and haven't failed not one test their entire school year.

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