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"Coming Mom!"

I just finished reading my favorite book 'Harry Potter' when mom called me downstairs. I put my book on my nightstand carefully and then proceeded to walk to my door... Suddenly, I caught sight of my book glowing gold and white and then my vision turned black.


" She's waking up..."

A familiar voice said. I tried to open my eyes
only to be met by 3 persons looming over me.
I sat up instantly and tackled the first person I touch and we fell to the floor.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

Then the realization hit me, the person I attacked is Severus Snape. Ughhhh am I dreaming? Is this real? How did I get—

"Miss? If you could... Just.. Umm well get off me" Severus said blushing.

"No!" I replied "Not until you explain everything to me" I crossed my arms while looking at him. He sat up while holding my waist and it took everything off my willpower trying not to blush.

"Fine." he said. Then he looks at Dumbledore
silently telling him that he should explain but instead, Dumbledore only looks at him with a twinkling eye.

" I think you should be the one who explains that to her my boy, after all, you were the one who found her." Dumbledore said while Minerva and Poppy looked amused. Severus glared at Albus, his cheeks turning pink because... Well let's just say that he never held a girl.. Let alone hold them in their waist.

Dumbledore, Minerva, and Poppy finally left.
There was an awkward silence before Severus broke it.

" I found you in the forbidden forest and I thought that I should bring you here because it's dangerous in there." He said. "That's it?" I replied raising one of my eyebrows. He blushed so hard and I thought he is going to explode.

"Errr... You were naked." he said nervously.
" I mean.. I uh.. Didn't see anything! You were... Umm in the tub full of water and blue roses!"

"Don't worry it's okay" "huh?!" He asked dumbfounded. " I said it's okay cause in a battle if your clothes get torn, are you still going to be ashamed instead of worrying you own life?" I replied. "No!" He said.

" Umm... Thank you for taking me here Sev!"
I said kissing his cheeks. " No problem.." He replied blushing furiously.

"By the way, do you have a mirror?" I asked
Then he transfigure the desk into a mirror. I look at my reflection and gasp in surprise. My body became more matured than my  usual 17 year old body and my skin is so flawless like I'm using a skincare.

" I was surprised too when I saw you. Well I mean your pretty." He said and I blushed I'm not used on receiving complements. Then my stomach growled...

"It's already dinner, let's go together to the Great hall." he said chuckling

Meanwhile at the Great hall...

"So it's true? Professor Snape saved the girl? Or should I say your daughter Albus?"asked Professor Sprout.

Albus sighed

" I don't know how to tell her, Y/N had no clue that I am her father. I cannot just tell her that she's my daughter when I am a stranger to her I just met her and she doesn't trust me yet." Albus replied. Then the door to the Great Hall opened, revealing Y/n with tears in her eyes.

"I'm your what?" she asked. All the staff froze
including Albus and Severus who were in Y/N


" I'm your what?" I asked. I can't believe it
I am Albus Dumbledore's daughter, he didn't even tell me that earlier. I don't know what to feel, I mean I wish to be here and I want to change their fate but, I didn't know that I would feel such emotions. I don't know why I felt hurt, I mean to be his daughter but it's just...

Before I know it, I was running already. Tears fills my eyes.

"Y/n!!!" someone called out but I just kept running until I bump into something and everything went black...

To be continued.....

A/n: sorry it's short guys. Anyways, I hope you like this first chapter! Aishiteru!❤️

Changing the future ( I got transported in Harry Potter movie) Severus x reader!Where stories live. Discover now