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Third persons pov

Y/N tripped into the stone, then she lost her consciousness. Albus, Severus, and the other staff immediately ran into her and saw blood on her head. Severus people picked her up carefully and run through the hospital wing.

"Severus can you get the potions?" Poppy asked Severus. "Of course!" Severus replied.
Suddenly, Y/n's body glowed in the color of blue. " Her power has awakened!" Dumbledore said. " What power?" Minerva asked. " Her moon powers. She has three types of moon powers: The full moon, which is the color blue, The crescent moon, with galaxy-like colors, and last, the Blood moon, which is the red one. She inherited that from her mother." Dumbledore explained. 

Y/n opened her eyes, it was light blue with a dark blue and red tinge on it before it became her normal eye color again.

Y/n opened her eyes, it was light blue with a dark blue and red tinge on it before it became her normal eye color again

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( Just imagine the red-tinged on the ring of her eyes and glowing of course!😊)

She sat up instantly and all the memories from earlier came back, she couldn't help but cry again and in an instant, Severus is by her side
saying comforting words to her like ' it'll be alright' or ' it's okay'. Albus looked amused
but at the same time looking guilty, while the other staff raised their eyebrows at Severus's actions.

"Hey Y/n are you okay? I mean your powers just got awakened." Severus asked hesitantly. "I'm okay, don't worry Sev." She replied and smiled at him. Albus cleared his throat and started speaking. " Umm can you please leave us for while?" He asked staff. When they all left the room, Albus speaks again. "Y/n? Can you give me a chance to explain?" Albus asked Y/n. " I...uh...of course." Y/n said while wiping her eyes. " I'm sorry if I didn't tell you. I was just... afraid that you won't accept me since it's my fault that you never knew about me." Y/n's about to interrupt when Albus raised his hand to stop her from talking. "Let me explain first please?" She nodded her head and Albus continue his story.

" When Voldemort attack the Potters, I was worried that you and your Mom will be next
since he knows that you are powerful Y/n and he... wants to take you too. So I did the only thing I know to keep you both safe, I obliviated you and your mother so you won't remember me or you being a witch. Then I took  the both of fyou to a place where no one can find you and I place a Fidelius Charm on the whole place. After that, I left and it hurts too Y/n... but I don't have a choice." By now Dumbledore and Y/n are crying. He continued. " And I know by now, your mother already remembers everything since I told you about me and  your real identity, it will unlocked her memories. Let's just wait till she barges in here and yells at me 'till my eardrum burst." He said in a joking manner. She laughed and hugged 'his' father. " I miss you Dad!" When Y/n called him that, Albus burst into tears, ' A happy tears'. " Now now... let's stop the drama and ready our ears." Albus said. As if on cue, Elizabeth Nadya Lioness Lunasilvamillion née Dumbledore burst into the infirmary doors. She began lecturing Albus about him 'Being stupid' and ' Reckless' while Dumbledore is covering his ears leaving Y/n laughing loudly and fell to the floor.

Albus and her wife looked at Y/n, They immediately run into her and hugged her tightly.

"Uh Mom? Dad? I... can't breath!" She said and they finally let go of her, she gasp and inhaled deeply. " Sorry sweetheart, we just missed this... moments like this." Her mother said. " Awww is someone being dramatic?" Albus said in a playful tone, Her mom smack him in the head. "Ouch!" he squeaks. Severus and the other staff entered and they stopped when they Elizabeth. Minerva ran to her and hug her. " It's been years since I saw you." Minnie said. "I miss you too Minnie." Y/n giggles when her mom called Minerva 'Minnie'. Severus approach Y/n, asking if she is okay. 'AGAIN'.

"Sev... I'm okay!" Y/n said while laughing at Severus. " I know, I'm just making sure. Besides you cannot blame me N/N." Severus replied. Y/n raised her eyebrows at the nickname. " Since when did you give a nickname to someone? Hmm?" she asked. Severus blushed 50 shades of red. "Umm... Well... Since I saw you?" He said or should I say asked while stuttering. " I didn't know I affect you like that, to the point that you would give me a nickname." Y/n said while wiggling her eyebrows at him. Her mother cleared her throat to get their attention, and when she did
Y/n and Severus blushed furiously when they finally noticed that they have an audience.

" Well, Severus it's nice to finally meet you! Before Y/n got 'obliviated' by her 'Father'
She always gushed about you. Like how you were so amazing at potions, the way you always make a dramatic entrance with the robes billowing behind you, and how hardworking you are—" Y/n cut her mother off by covering her mouth to stop her from talking anymore. She blushed madly. " I...umm... don't uh umm listen to her. She's just sleepy, you know... It's midnight already. So everyone go now and sleep." Y/n said stuttering while Severus is smirking at her. " I didn't know you were a big fan of mine." He said. Severus did a double-take and he patted Y/n's head, hug her, and kissed her forehead. By now, Y/n looks like a ripe tomato. Severus ran into the exit before
Y/n's mother rip him to pieces.

Changing the future ( I got transported in Harry Potter movie) Severus x reader!Where stories live. Discover now