Playful Banter

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Morning came and Y/n is still sleeping soundly in her bed. Until someone jumped on her bed.

"Wake up Y/n..." Severus said in his deep morning voice. " 5 minutes more... please?" Y/n replied. Y/n still can't believe that she is here in the 'Harry Potter' book while having her past memories here, like she belong here at hogwarts and the real world wasn't really real. ( oh i know... just bear with it) " Come on...
Y/n." Severus said again. Then she asked. " What's the date today? Sev?" Y/n asked. " July 31." Sev replied. Y/n the squealed, it's Harry's birthday today. Hagrid would be taking  him today in diagon alley, i think I should ask dad if harry can come here, and I'll be the one who'll be taking him in Diagon Alley. " It's Harry's birthday today Sev!" She finally replied. " oh yes the golden boy's birthday." Severus said sarcastically. That earned him a smack in the head. " Don't be so bitter about it Sev." She told him. Severus only rolled his eyes on her and they proceeded to go to the Headmaster's office.

" Dad! Mom!" Y/n said and ran into them enveloping her mother and father in a warm hug. " Good morning sweetheart!" Her mother said and Albus smiled at her, then Y/n remembered something. " Dad? Can Harry come here? I mean Harry Potter? Please?" Y/n said with her best puppy eyes. " Mmm... about that." Albus said and then the headmaster's office doors open, revealing the one and only Harry Potter. Harry saw Y/n and ran into her. "Godmother!" He said crying and Y/n froze in shock, she didn't understand. In her memory, Harry is still a baby when she held him and when her and Severus babysit him he is only month's old. " You... remeber me?" Y/n said her voice cracking while slowly hugging him back. "I have an eidetic memory Godmother." He replied. " Why didn't you take me instead of my aunt? Why did you left me?" Harry said and it broke Y/n's heart to know that Harry has been wanting her to be her guardian. " I... I just came back Harry. And if you want I'll take care of you, you will no longer live with them. Right Dad?" Y/n ask her father with a look that's saying ' If you don't say yes... you will be facing my wrath' while Y/n is smiling sweetly at her Father. Everyone in the room except Severus shivered while Severus sweat dropped. " of course Y/n." Albus said nervously.

Harry then turned to Severus. " I remember you too! You and Godmom are bickering about something, I think it's about bathing me? Yup that's right. Wait... you're Severus Snape right?" Harry asked and Severus nodded curiously. " Really?! as in Severus Snape, the youngest potion master in history." Harry said squealing and Severus looked taken aback. " I'm Harry Potter sir, it is a pleasure to meet you." Harry said in formal way and Severus raised his eyebrow at him before he shake his hand. " Oh and Mr. Snape, is it true that you made Langlock. Levicorpus ("n-vbl") Liberacorpus (counter-jinx for Levicorpus) Muffliato Charm. Sectumsempra ("for enemies") Toenail-growing hex? Harry asked beaming at him while jumping up and down. Severus just stared at him flabbergasted, he don't know what to say and he didn't even know someone will be so bold just to show their admiration at them, especially him. Severus became flustered and answer Harry, going into his ' Teaching mode'. After 30 minutes of talking they already stop with Harry beaming and smiling too much.

"So Harry? Would you like to stay here with me?" Y/n asked him nervously. " Yes!!!" Harry replied. She sighed in relief. " Well... We need to go to Diagon Alley today Harry, let's buy your things and celebrate your birthday." Y/n said and Harry beamed again to her and nod, then he turn to Severus. " Can you come with us? Please....?" Harry asked Severus with his best puppy eyes. Severus froze, he didn't know how to say no to that face and it is just so adorable. ' wait adorable?! Since when did I describe someone as 'adorable' Severus thought. " Of course." Severus replied. They all look at him like they were expecting him to deny, but they can't believe that he would agree to it. "Yay!" Harry said with a wide smile on his face.

Time skip: (cuz I'm lazy 😂)

When Y/n, Harry, and Severus came back from Diagon Alley, it was already dinner. After they ate, Y/n walks outside to get some fresh air and then she spotted a piano. She slowly walked in there and sat down on the bench, as she started playing it:

I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me
When we're alone
You can hold my hand
If no one's home
Do you like it when I'm away?
If I went and hurt my body, baby
Would you love me the same?
I can feel all my bones coming back
And I'm craving motion
Mama never really learns how to live by herself
It's a curse
And it's growing
You're a pond and I'm an ocean
Oh, all my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around
And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh

Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you
I need you here to stay
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Crying at the lake
Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden?
Oh, and if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
I said no (I said no), I said no (I said no)
Listen close, it's a no
The wind is a-pounding on my back
And I found hope in a heart attack
Oh at last, it is past
Now I've got it, and you can't have it

Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you
I need you here to stay
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Crying at the lake
Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, oh
And if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide

Darling, when I'm fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?" Oh

Guess there is something, and there is nothing
There is nothing in between
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he's singing
"She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy"
He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook"

Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you
I need you here to stay
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Crying at the lake
Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, oh
And if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide
(A/n: Just imagine that she is singing 😊)

After she finished the song, there were some claps and she jumped. She didn't know she had an audience. " I see... you still sing and play piano huh!" Severus said still mesmerized by Y/n's voice. "Of course Sev!" She replied. Severus suddenly grabbed her waist and leaned into her ear.

"Do you....."

To be continued.........

A/n: There you go my readers. Sorry if I didn't updated sooner, I'm just busy with my homework. But I promise I will try to update
every day. I hope you like this chapter!

I need someone who will help me with this story please!
Just comment down below if you are interested!😊

P.s Don't forget to vote!

Love you guys and be safe!🥰

Oh and this is freaking cuteeeeeeee

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Oh and this is freaking cuteeeeeeee

Changing the future ( I got transported in Harry Potter movie) Severus x reader!Where stories live. Discover now