It's Showtime!

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The camera shows a city street at Night, zooming down to ground. The screen changes to a little yellow chick looking creature making a small "Timmu Timmu" noise hopping in front of Leo. The blonde haired boy raised an eyebrow at the peculiar creature

Leo's eyes widened, it looked like the first creature from earlier, but without the ears.

On another side of a town, in the middle of the day, A pink chick creature had done the same thing, in front of Emma, her green eyes following it as it hopped along.

Emma's eyes widened. Two of them? "What's going on? What were those things?" Alice and Francis asked, everyone in the theater was curious as well

The screen flash cuts back to Leo as he follows the creature to an alleyway, hopping down to what looks to be an abandoned theater, it's lights shining brightly.

" Why a theater?" Leo asked. Unaware that Balan was starting to smile...

The scene quickly changed to Emma seeing the same thing, in broad daylight. She looked to see if anyone was playing a joke on her. When she didn't see anyone, she carefully went to follow it down the alley.

"Emma dear? You're not considering on going IN there are you?" Francis asked, looking at the screen with worry.

The screen changes back to Leo as he's now at the door of the theater and begins to walk in. The screen changes to a poster of a strange silhouette in front of a bunch of settings and objects, as Leo opens the door, and the screen goes black

"Leo...please be careful in there..." Alice said, a worried look on her face.

The screen lights back up to reveal the door being opened from the inside, as Emma peeks her head in. She slowly walks inside and looks around, unaware that a mirror lights up, revealing Leo on the other side. Leo glanced around before looking at the mirror, thinking that for a second he saw someone as it changed back to his own reflection. Leo glanced around before he continued on, not noticing that it changed back to reveal Emma again

"How?! How is this possible?!" Alice and Francis asked. Leo and Emma looked at each other. Balan quietly chuckled to himself, as he knew when his theater appears, HE appears.

The walls were adorned with posters. One showing a little girl with green hair, looking at a kitten, a clocktower in the background, while another one depicts a firefighter saving a child from a blazing inferno

"Hey...wait a minute, that's me!" Cass cried at the poster "Me too!" Eis exclaims.

A shattered mirror is shown as the kids pass by it, their reflections scattered among the shards of broken glass as they continued on, before stopping in another room, with their reflections mirroring each other in the floor as they stare at something...or someone.

"I suppose, and I guarantee...that both of the children are looking at me!" Balan said, bouncing in excitement as Lance rolled his eyes at his counterpart

On the other side of the room was a strange looking, fancy dressed individual, with a white top hat, looking at a yellow tear shaped gem. When the screen gets closer however, the gem is revealed to have Leo's reflection, and Emma's reflection as he turns it. "Oh?" He asks in a deep voice. He turns his head to reveal nothing but a black felt like face...until a big white toothy smile cracks underneath.

"Is that you Mr Balan?" Yuri asked, glancing at the top hatted maestro "Yes Yuri dear! My time to shine is here!" He said proudly as confetti and glitter fell around him.

Balan Wonderworld Reacting To Balan WonderworldWhere stories live. Discover now