Im Like a Bird in a Cage and I'm Going Cuckoo (The Lady With Aviation Adoration)

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The screen lit back to life to reveal a lush and beautiful forest through the lens of binoculars, zooming past the trees before they stopped at a woman with a colorful top and hairband, holding binoculars in her hands.

"Hey look! It's Me!" Sana exclaims! Curious to what her story would be.

The angle of the binoculars changed to show that Sana was bird watching, as a toy like bird was in view. The angle changed again to show Sana happily watching two of them near a bird house that she probably made

"Awwww!! Did you make those little birdhouses darling?" Lucy asked. Sana nodded "Yeah! I like to give the birds a home, even if they live among the trees" She said.

Suddenly, a loud crashing could be heard as the angle changed to show the birds flying away in fear as the trees were slowly knocked down, the sky turning dark as it did.

Sana's eyes widened in fear. What was happening to her beloved forest?

The binoculars showed a birdhouse in a tree before it was knocked down by a large bulldozer, making apartments appear in it's wake.

Sana's hands flew to her mouth as she gasped. "Oh...that's where they were building it..." Bruce said. "What?!" Sana cried "There was a recent announcement that more apartments were going to be built somewhere outside of town. I had no idea it was where that forest was." Mara said "No NO! They can't do that! What about the animals that live there?" She cried.

Sana lowered her binoculars as she gasped in fear, trying what she could to stop the destruction, but the bulldozer went faster and the apartments popped up even more, knocking the trees over like dominoes. The scene changed to show Sana in the middle of a empty field, screaming in agony before the view showed a wrecked birdhouse and choked down trees falling towards a dark void before it turned into a shadowy bird with red eyes as it shot towards the screen as it all went dark

Sana didn't say anything, she just watched the destruction of the forest...HER forest...get destroyed with no mercy. A single tear ran down her face before it crystallized into the same gem that Balan had. Eis looked at Sana with sadness as she went to comfort her. Sana looked to see Eis putting a hand on her shoulder, before she full on hugged him. Eis looked in shock before he slowly hugged her back. That's when he realized something

"Hey Mirabella, you said all these events are in the future didn't you?" He asked. Mirabella calmly nodded her head "It hasn't happened yet Sana, You can still stop it!" Eis said as Sana felt hope in her heart. "Maybe we should actually FINISH first?" Mirabella asked. The two of them sat back down, now sitting next to each other

The screen lit up to reveal Leo/Emma standing in what looked to be abandoned and wrecked birdhouse, with a ragged nest inside. The camera showed an empty nest, devoid of any life.That's when a strange looking bird with a VERY long neck popped out

Sana held onto her own neck in shock. She knew that this was bound to happen eventually...but she didn't think she'd get a long giraffe neck.

The large bird looked around before it jumped from it's hiding place, flying around the children with a maniacal squawking laugh

Sana looked at her soon to be form with shock...before she let out a little giggle "Heehee!! Give it brighter colors and she's be a brilliant children's show character!" She said. Mirabella giggled as well "I will admit, Cuckoo is silly, but she does live up to the name." She said

The screen them showed Leo/Emma finishing off Cuckoo. The giant fowl warbled in pain and wobbled in agony before dark fog escaped her body. Letting out one more defeated squawk, Cuckoo then slowly shrunk down back into the human shape of Sana.

"Yay! We helped Sana!" Emma cheered, her father beamed when he saw Emma smile, he hadn't seen her smile and cheer like that in years...

Sana's eyes opened as she smiled at Leo/Emma as the two of them walked towards each other, the screen getting bathed in white light. As the white faded away, it showed the children and Sana dancing on moving platforms as some strange
Creatures joined them.

Sana blushed as she saw herself dancing around with the children, she didn't notice that Eis was watching with a lovestruck look in his eyes

The screen glowed white again to show Sana standing over a knocked down tree with a destroyed birdhouse.

The joyful mood in the theater had died down when they were Reminded of WHY Sana had arrived in Wonderworld in the first place.

Sana looked away in sadness before a look of determination made it's way onto her face as she walked away. The scene changed to show her talking to the construction workers while pointing at a poster.

Yuri tried to get a better look at the poster as two words she could make out "Urban Environment?" She asked out loud. Sana's eyes had widened, she remembered that she had the idea and was about to pitch to city council, but she couldn't get it in on time

Sana pointed upwards and a building was built with trees from the rooftop. The camera zooms back down to Sana and the workers as it shows what's on her poster. She waves her hand and a whole line of houses with grassy roofs and trees appear. A leaf blocks the camera before it transitions to Sana putting another birdhouse up.

"I'd love to paint birdhouse sometime darling!" Lucy said cheerfully "so would I!" Ren agreed. The other humans joined in, saying they would like to make birdhouses as well for Sana. The bird lover smiled "of course! We can do it when we all get out of here!" She said

Sana looked to the side of her to see one of the houses rattling before a little wooden bird popped out. Sana gasped with Joy as the camera zooms back to reveal Balan watching her and gazing at the harmonious city below, surrounded by birds himself before he turns to the camera as to address the one watching before it all goes white.

Sana felt her heart soar with joy, there would be some good to the forest getting knocked down, but at least she could find a compromise for her feathery friends. "We could still tell the city council to build the apartments somewhere else." Eis suggested. But Sana shook her head "No...I like this idea, a way for humans and animals to live in harmony." She said, thinking about what what she saw...and how she really could make a change.

Mirabella smiled "Oh I love a happy ending, don't you?" She asked the maestros, only to see them having a armrest/elbow war. "Balan. Lance. Stop it." She said in a stern voice. The two maestros stopped...but not without shooting one more glare at each other

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