The Birth of Katherine Euphemia Lily Potter

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JULY 31st, 1980

The screen opened to show St. Mungo's Hospital. 

  AGAIN!"  screamed Lily Potter.

 But this was not it. She screamed many colourful words that are censored due to younger years being present.  

The camera showed a stressed James Potter pacing around the corridor with Sirius and Remus sitting on the chairs, worried for their friend. 

"Oh, so it's that day." stated Remus.

Soon came a cry, a baby's cry, and James stopped pacing around. The healer, Healer Palmer, walked towards James. 
"Congratulations, Mr. Potter. It's a girl. You may see your wife and child now." stated Healer Palmer. 

"Thank you, Healer Palmer." replied James and rushed inside. 

"Is it the day I was born?" asked Katherine while hugging her father. 
"Yeah, and James was so stressed while the delivery that the healers had to kick him out. He cried more louder than me when I was having pain." Lily chuckled as she remembered that day.

The camera moved to show a sweaty Lily Potter holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. 

"She's so beautiful" James commented as he looked at his daughter.

His daughter.

The word seemed so foreign yet so similar at the same time.

"Katherine Euphemia." stated Lily looking at her daughter.

Her daughter.

It felt like yesterday that they were graduating from Hogwarts, and today, 3 years later, she's a mother to a beautiful redhaired girl with green eyes exactly like hers.

She had decided that she will be naming her daughter Katherine. 

The purity the name held while at the same time holding power and royalty, suited her daughter.   

"Katherine Euphemia Lily Potter." corrected James as Sirius and Remus entered the room.

"Meet your Goddaughter, Padfoot. Katherine Euphemia Lily Potter." James said and handed Kate to Sirius. 

The minute he held her, she started crying. Seeing her crying, Sirius too started panicking and almost cried saying that Kate didn't like him. 

"Oh Sirius!" laughed Molly. 

The Great Hall laughed while Sirius sat pouting grumbling something about being too naïve. 

Lily chuckled and said "She's just hungry, Sirius. It's not like she doesn't like you. Now calm down. And Remus, you will be her other Godfather. Why don't you hold her?"
As Remus held her, she went a bit quiet. Sirius whining about how it's not fair that Kate is now so calm with Moony. 

"Really pup, that's not fair. I lost my 10 galleons that day." complained Sirius.
"Really? How so?" Hermione asked her best friend's Godfather.
"Moony and I made a bet. The one to make Kate calm/quiet will get 2 galleons from the other person." Sirius explained her.
"But then, how'd you loose 10 galleons?" Ron asked. 
"He made this bet 4 more times after he lost for the first one." James answered for his brother in all but blood while trying not to laugh hard but failing miserably.   
The people of the Great hall were again snickering except the usual. 

The Marauders and Lily had a good laugh while Sirius kept playing with Kate all the time not knowing a certain someone was also craving for his love and attention.

"Who is it?"
"A certain someone?"
The people of the Great Hall were confused.

No one noticed except a few that the certain someone somewhat stiffened at the last line.

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