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The movie stopped playing abruptly. 

A golden light filled the room and everyone had to squint their eyes to see what was happening. 

"Ow! What the hell?!" exclaimed two voices simultaneously.

"Language." came the voice of a man maybe? 

"Where are we?" this was the voice of a girl. Yep. Totally.

"How am I supposed to know?" answered a boyish voice.

"For the record, I did not ask you, Scorp." replied the voice of the girl.

Now that the light dimmed, the people of the great hall could see 7 figures standing near the entrance. They were children. Bar 2 of them.

"Oh my God! Why do I see him? And him? And HER?!? Like...wait...no, no, no, no...please don't tell me we are in 1995. Dad's gonna kill us. Oh god NO!" exclaimed a girl with black hair and grey eyes that looked terrifyingly like Sirius's, Katherine noted. 

"What year is this?" asked a boy or a man who looked like about 20 or something? He had turquoise hair. Cool.

"It's 1995" replied Professor McGonagall.
"And who are you all, if I may ask?"

"Oh Minnie! How I missed you!" exclaimed the boy with green eyes and black hair.

"Excuse me? That's what I call her. And can you just tell us who you are?" said Kate.

The children turn to look at Kate. It was like they saw a ghost.

"We are-" a song that cut the turquoise haired boy, rang through the air.

"Oh shit! It's dad?! And he's FACETIMING?!?" said the girl from earlier. 

Well, not to have any confusions, we'll name them. Grey eyed girl, Green eyed boy, turquoise haired boy, red- haired girl, grey eyed boy, a baby who's maybe something around 3 years old? yeah, and a blondie. 7 in total.

"Pick it up, no, don't pick it up, he'll know we're not at home!" said the green eyed boy.

"Pick it up Ted." said the grey eyed boy who looked maybe around 17.

Ted? The same Ted from the movie? Hope built up in Kate's heart.

"Ok, but why is my phone connected to the big screen? Whatever. Here goes nothing." He clicks the accept button.

"NO! No. You're not supposed to do it that way!" came a voice.

"No, it says in the book that we're supposed to it this way. Babe, continue, don't stop." came another man's voice.

"Damn they have got sexy voices." whispered Kate to her left to whom she thought was Hermione but someone cleared their throat and she found it to be her father sitting right next to her. Heat rose up to her cheeks and ears but she played it cool as in she didn't tell her father how sexy the voices sound. Only Kate.






"Oh shut up! I am done with this shit! Theo, you do it." came a third man's voice.


"As in Theodore Nott?"

"As in this moron? Ow! What?" asked a confused Blaise.

"Dad?" asked the grey eyed boy.

What the people of the great hall saw, took their breath away. 

A very matured and a bit aged, came the face of none another than -

"Astro? Is that you? Damn."  whistled Theo.

"That's Carter?" whispered a shocked Kate to herself. 

"Hey kids. I hope you all are alright. What are you guys doing, by the way?" asked on-screen Astro.

"Uh- nothing. We were just messing around as always. But what are you and Uncle Theo and Blaise doing?" asked Ted (supposedly). 

"Oh, nothing. As you know Dray's birthday is tomorrow, we were just trying to bake a cake. How I wish your mother was here." sighed Astro.

"Does that mean their mom and Carter's wife is dead?" asked Ron to Hermione who just shrugged. 

"Dad...she'll be fine. She's mom after all. But did you get any leads?" asked grey eyed boy.

"Oh don't I know that. And that is what terrifies me. To answer your question, no...just the note on her pillow. We traced and it led us to an old muggle lady who earned through writing notes and letters for others. Didn't earn too much, gave her around 30 galleons. That round offs to something around £250 with some clothes and a decent place to live. But other than that, no leads. You know you'll be the first ones I tell after I know something. After all, it's about your mother, isn't it? But kids, I don't need you guys to go hunting her, alright?"

"Yes dad." replied all of them in unison except the blondie, the red-haired girl and the baby.

"Ok, I'll call you later, there's something burning in the oven. I need to go check it. Otherwise these morons will burn down my whole house! Bye kids, Love you all and call me every 2 hours, and please try not to demolish the cottage, it's really dear to me and your mother. Ok?"

"Yes dad" 


And the screen went blank again. 

"Well, there's only one thing I want to say - Damn."

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