Bucket List

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She looked at her reflection in a mirror and saw some chocolate smudged over her cheek.


Katherine entered the now deserted kitchen. Well, as deserted as it could get with the houselves roaming around. She breathed in the scent of freshly made hot chocolate and a smile bloomed on her face.

He always knew how to bring a smile to her face.

"OoOoOo...He huh? Who's that he?" Blaise teased her before being slapped on his head by Theo.

"Of course it would be Astro, who else?"Theo scoffed.

Their eyes met from across the room and both knew that the other remembered this night very clearly. How could they not?

"I see you've made some hot chocolate. Is that for me or are you waiting for someone?" Katherine teased as she took a seat on the stool.

The kitchen was probably the best place in Hogwarts to find some peace. With all the chaos outisde, the kitchen was her haven. And her spot by the Black Lake that was hidden behind some trees that no one knew of.


"Yes, I - I...made it for yo-you as y-you said y-you will come today for m-my famous hot chocolate. Here." The mug was placed in front of her by someone outside the frame.

"That voice is familiar"

"But doesn't sound like Astro's"

"Thank you so much. You are a sweetheart Dobby. I will surely not forget to buy you some differently paired socks the next time I go shopping, okay?" Kate smiled at the kindhearted elf who had eyes as big as a snitch. Oof! Quidditch! She missed it so bad. And with the Triwizard tournament going on, quidditch would've been a welcome distraction.

"It was Dobby, not Astro. Why the hell did you slap me then idiot?" commented a furious Blaise while Theo chuckled nervously.

Speaking of which, the kitchen doors opened again, and in stepped Astrophel Carter in all his glory.

He was sweating and panting, lik he had come running down here from the astronomy tower 3 times. Sweat trickled down his neck and into his shirt which had the top three buttons undone. He leaned against the door closing his eyes as if he is finally at peace.

Someone (5 people at least) sighed loudly at the sight.

"Fancy seeing you here, Carter."

Astro's eyes snapped opened and he quickly gained his composure before zooming in on the source of the voice. A voice he was too familiar with. A voice he had grown to l-

"He had grown to what?"

"Will you keep staring or say something? It's creeping me out." Katherine raised one eyebrow.

"If he could, he would probably just stare at you like he's been doing these past 5 years." Theo commented before getting hit by a shoe.

"No, I was just wondering, do you live here?" He asked.

"Kay spends most of her time in the kitchens. It's basically her home." Ron said as his stomach grumbled at the sight of food.

"Are you daft? Of course I do, and I have been since three years. How high are you Carter?"

"No, I mean, the kitchens. Whenever I arrive here, you're already present. Now it could mean only three things. One - you live in the kitchens because the gryffindors finally saw what an annoying piece of shit you are or Two- You are obssessed with me. Like crazy. Bellatrix Lestrange-crazy about me. That you can't stay away from me and are utterly in love with me. And Three- I was right about you. You must be devil's spawn, popping out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. Now tell me, which one of these is the reason? Probably the second. I'm irresistible."

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