My Fault

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"Wait. Tell me. Who's baby was that?" asked Ron


"Okay! Okay! I believe you." replied Ron in a timid tone.

"You better!" warned Kate. 

"Shall we continue?" asked Theodore Nott. 

The screen then faded in showing Kate feeding Teddy the pancakes while eating them herself with a figure in front of her. 

"Pass me chocolate syrup" asked Kate with a mouthful of pancake. 

"Kay! Gosh! Ron is really rubbing off on you!" Hermione said while shaking her head.

"Kay! Gosh! Ron is really rubbing off on you!" the voice scolded while shaking their head.

"Is that me?"

The camera showed the face of an older Hermione looking at her sister in all but blood in exasperation.

" love me though...or was it Ron?" Kate asked coyly.

"Uh...of course I love you. Don't be stupid!"

"No need to get flustered Mia...he's your boyfriend... after seven years. Wasn't it your dream?" teased Kate.

Both on screen and off screen Hermione are flustered.

"Wait. Did my older self say 7 years? Ha! Pay up people! Seamus. I can see you. Give me my 15 galleons!." 

"Wait you betted on us?!?!" asked a bewildered Hermione and a flustered Ron.

"Obvio dumbos." 

"Anyways enough of that. Tell was sleep last night?" Hermione asked timidly.

Kate's hand that was near Teddy's mouth stilled.

The camera showed her face and zoomed in on her eyes.

The screen was pitch black. 

The sound of water could be heard. 

The screen showed up Kate in front of the bathroom mirror. 

A few words could describe her state.





Kate choking on her sobs, still panting, splashed some water on her face. 

"It's alright. Everything's fine. He's gone. No one's ever gonna hurt you, not Ted, not the Weasleys, no one's gonna get hurt." She tried to calm herself but in vail.  

"Oh sweetheart!"

Kate was crushed between her parents, Sirius and Remus. And after that Hermione and Ron and Molly crushed her again.

She started sobbing.


"It's all my fault. They died because of me. Everyone." she continued sobbing.

"Don't blame yourself, cub"

The camera zoomed in showing her face.

"It was alright." she replied. 

Teddy was blabbering while Kate fed him.

"Here comes the airplaneee....zooommmm...c'mon open your mouth Teddy bear. Aaa" cooed Kate. 

Teddy was mimicking her actions. 

"Katherine."  said Hermione in a stern yet fragile tone.

"You know, you don't need to lie to me."

Kate sighed.

"I know. And I'm not lying. It was better than the rest of them. At least all of them weren't telling me that it was my fault they died."

"I am telling you again, pup. It was not your fault. Understand?" 

Kate nodded.

"Oh honey, it wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself, Kay. Please. Doctor Bethany did say that right?" soothed Hermione.

"Yeah, she did." replied Kate.

"But I can't help it, Mia. I am tired."

"My baby!" James and Lily had tears in their eyes.

"Kate. You need to go out. And when you will see what I've got, you will definitely love it!" gushed Hermione. 

"What is it?"

"Our Hogwarts Letters!"

"Hogwarts letters?!?!"

"Hogwarts letters?!?!"

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