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Re-writing this chapter😃

Jungkook's pov

I kept tossing and turning in bed as sweat starts to come out of my forehead.

"Taehyung no!" I cried as I
Watched her fall off the

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. I rolled over to hug Taehyung when I rolled over to an empty space. I sat up and wiped my sweat. I stood up and put on some sweatpants. I walked down the stairs to see Taehyung in the kitchen making me relieved. I hug her tiny waist and rest my head on her shoulder. Instead of hearing her sweet voice I heard a very hoarse voice. I turned her around, only to get terrified by her. She looked like a witch, maggots coming out of her cheek, scars and holes black, and yellow teeth.

"Jungkook, Yah Jungkook!"I hear a faint call

Someone was shaking me. I woke up and saw Taehyung shaking me.

"What the fuck happened to you?"Sitting up, I stayed silent

"I'm making breakfast what do you want?" She stood up and put on one of my shirts from the closet.

"Uhm waffles...yeah waffles us good.."

Taehyung's pov

After a short conversation with him, I went downstairs, walking over to the kitchen. I grabbed all the ingredients needed for Waffles.

(Fucking hell-)

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