chapter two

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( at fennel fields)

y/n pov

harcourt picked me up and we drove to fennel fields together, i am friends with harcourt because i have known her for a very long time so it wasn't unusual that we would drive somewhere together.

we sat in a booth and ordered out food waiting for peacemaker. once it had arrived we started eating. " so i forgot to close the balcony door, and when i came home my living room was full of pigeons. " economos finished his story and me and adebayo laughed but were quicly interupted by harcourt, " are you kidding me?!" she asked mad. " no there was like ten of  'em and they shit all over my couch " he said. " no this guy " she said pointing with er fork. we looked behind us and saw peacemaker in his costume. i groaned and looked back forward. " did this dipshit really show up in full cosplay mode? " asked chuckling. " this is the guy waller gave us? " harcourt asked annoyed. " i guess so " i sighed. " i told you she's fucking us." " shes not fucking us" murn said sternly. " is that an eagle in his back seat? " adebayo asked in disbelief. " holy shit" i said looking at it. " she's fucking us " murn gave in. peacemaker entered making the bell ring.

"hi sir welcome in" he was greeted by the waitress. "i'm with them. can i just grab a menu, please?" he asked pointing at us. the waitress gave him one and he walked over. he was lookin gat all the optionsand sat down. " why are you in your costume? " harcourt asked. peacemaker smirked "costume?  this is a uniform. and it's brand new, so i gotta stretch it out, make it more comfortable before i go on a mission." he said. " maybe i'm stupid, but why would yo ueven wanna wear that on a mission? " economos asked. " a bright red shirt with white pants aren't exactly conducive to lurking in the shadows. "he continued. " people see this uniform, it striks fear in their hearts." he said in a very serious tone. " what people?  the other people at the village people tryouts?  " harcourt asked and i laughed. 

" why is there a bald eagle in your car? " murn asked. " that's eagly. you guys ordered without me?'he asked. "eagly is your pet eagle" economos asked ignoring his question. "yeah" he replied looking serious. " is your dog named doggy?'' i asked and economos laughed. "all right" murn said but economos ignored him. " you have a daughter named daughtery?" he laughed " jealous of a guy's pet eagle much? " peacemaker asked. 

" hey sweet- cheeks! can you take my order real quick?" peacemaker called the waitress over. "hi sure thing what can i get you?" she asked " mixed green salad and we'll do the garlic zoodles" he said handing her the menu. " zoodles good choice" she said walking away. we all looked at him. me and adebayo raised an eyebrow "zoodles are zucchini noodles" peacemaker said. " sweet cheeks? " i asked " seriously dude?" adebayo said. " she had cherubic cheeks it's a compliment" he explained himself. " sweet cheeks is your butt" economos said. " no it's not' peacemaker said with a scared expression. " it is, it's like calling somebody i  don't know, sugar tits " adebayo said. "that's totally inappropriate" peacemaker said. " and sweet cheeck isn't? " i said. " her tits are way too big to be sugar tits, sugar tits are, like, smaller, perkier tits. like.... yours" he said to economos. " technically i think you may have sugar tits too, but somehow that also feels, inappropriate" he said. " alright peacemaker that's enough" murn said making him shut up

" you don't have to be happy with this detail, but you do have to treat your fellow soldiers with respect." he sternly said. " yeah? heard plenty of stories about how you treat people with respect, murn. plenty" he fired back.

"why is that busboy staring at you? " harcourt asked and we all looked at the same direction. there was a man about my age probably looking at peacemaker, he waved at us. " i think that's my friend Gut Chase's younger brother" he said. " he has mental issues. " hey i'm sure he's nice guy" i said. he pumped his fists in the air and laughed. peacemaker made a peace sign at him iwht his hand. 

the waitress arrived with peacemakers food and put it infront of him. " thank you just the old shell game." he said and grabbed his food. " take this home. study it" murn said handing him a file. " what is it?" peacemaker asked. " it's the dossier of the first target" murn said. " the U.S. senator? " he asked shocked." don't look at it here take our word for it, the man's a serious threat to the safety of american citizens" murn said and peacemaker started devouring his food. " oh, my god, could you at least take you rhelmet off?" economos asked. after some bickering he took off the helmet. " are you always gonna be this difficult?" murn asked clearly annoyed. " yepp" he said not looking up. 

i got in my car and drove back to my apartment. i was abou to go to sleepwhen harcourt knocked on my window. " y/n, you're driving peacemaker just killed a damn butterfly" she said when i opened the drapes. i nodded and quickly got dressed.

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