chapter one

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y/n pov 

i was sitting in my car in the hospital parking lot. murn texted me that peacemaker was on his way, i waited and saw him get in a taxi. it drove off and i followed. 

( a little later) 

peacemaker arrived at his trailer and i parker my car a little further and walked into the woods to his trailer. the car drove off and peacemaker was standing there alone walking to the door of his trailer. he pused the door and couldn't get it open. so he broke the window and climbed in. i heard a thud and peacemaker say "fuck". 

harcourt stood up and walked over to the window she cocked her gun and when he looked at her she said " stay where you are smith" with her gun held high, economos got to the other window and also held his gun up and me and adebayo got to the back window. 

murn burst through the door of the trailer and walked in " fuck " peacemaker whispered " fuck i knew it was fucking too good to be true, fuck! fuck! fuck! My life fuckin' sucks. i mean... ugh fuck nah, i'm fucking, i'm good i'm fucking, i'm good" he said looking at harcourt "fuck!" he shouted and we all got in the trailer. 

"you only served four years of your thirty year sentence, and you thought we were just gonna let you go scot- free?" murn spoke up walking to peacemaker. " yeah. i killed rick flag for you people!" he said sitting forward. "no one ever told you to kill flag. " harcourt said in a cool tone. " waller said do whatever i had to do to make sure thos project starfish didn't get out i made the only choice i had" he tried making it seem not so bad. " funny for you how often the only choice and killing people coincides" harcourt said. 

" what the fuck is he doing " peacemaker asked looking at economos. '" i have low blood sugar, okay ? so i'm dizzy" he explained. 

" you showed you were loyal" murn said keeping up the previous conversation. " you're a born killer with expertise in every weapen known to humankind and you've had experience in black ops around the globe, so i'm giving you the chance to stay out of prison and work for me.'' he explained

" and you are" peacemaker said uninterested. "  name's murn " he said in the same tone he always talked in. " clemson murn? " peacemaker asked squinting his eyes. " that's right" murn said. " i report directly to amanda waller." he said. " this is harcourt, who you may know from waller's team at belle reve, she'll be your handler in the field" peacemaker nodded at her with a smirk and she gave him a middle finger 

" john economos and y/n y/l/n who you may also know, are tech and tactics, however y/n will also be helping in the field" he said. "hey dude your eating four-year-old olives out of my fucking fridge" he said to economos. economos gagged and put the olives down

" and this is our new recruit, leota adebayo" he said pointing at her. she started giving a whole speach and we all just looked at her in complete silence. peacemaker huffed once she was finished " what's the op?" he asked. " domestic situation, known as project butterfly" murn said." as i recall, you guys aren't particularly creative with case file names, project starfish was a giant walkin' starfish" peacemaker said and i had to keep in a giggle. 

" so what, am i fightin a mothra now? " he continued. " i am ? " he looked concurned. " i'm fightin' a mothra? what the fuck do i fight a mothra with? " he said. " that's not what it is " murn said. " can i get a jetpack" peacemaker asked. " no." murn said not amused. "how the fuck am i supposed to fight a mothra without a jetpack?" he asked worried. '' it's not a mothra"  murn told him. 

"  i still want a jetpack cause now i'm all excited about it" he said like he was a five year old. " we need you to do contract work "  murn said being done talking about jetpacks. " kill people" peacemaker nodded. " bad people" me and harcourt both said. " whom we call butterflies " murn nodded. peacemaker let out a sigh. " what if i say no? " he asked. ' you'll have to return to bell reve" murn told him and he sighed again. " what's to keep me from splittin'? " peacemaker asked. " we still have that bomb in your head to track you with, and if that fails, we'll blow you the hell up." he said like it was an every day thing. peacemaker thought for a second and then nodded his head. murn got up out of the chair, "we'll meet you for dinner tonigth seven-thirty at... where is it? " he asked. " fenneld fields on manchester road"  i said. " and the mozzarella sticks are dope" adebayo added as we walked out of the trailer into the cool air. " enjoy my food dye-beard" peacemaker said before economos left the trailer. " it's not dyed " he said and walked out.

( at hq) 

we walked in and there was this annoying thud sounds. " you think it makes this noise all the time? " economos asked. " i better hope not" i said " yeah i don't know" adebayo said. we started unpacking our stuff on the desks. " hey new girl, get your shit off there" harcourt said as she walked in. " damn" adebayo said and picked up her stuff. " this is the only desk with sun. take the one in the middle" se explained and adebayo did just that. " i don't know what you did to piss off amanda waller, but she's definitely fucking me, john and y/ n with this gig what agency did you transferred from?" she asked. " fucking you how? " adebayo siad ignorin gher question. 

"we helped task force x during project starfish" i started. " and this is her way of getting back at us . " i explained. " yeah i don't think so" adebayo said. " hey new girl's an expert over here guys" harcoourt said getting hre stuff. " well, she's entitled to her opinion." he said. " thank you" adebayo nodded at him. " her stupid fucking opinion" he said afterwards and i laughed. " o sweet we have a piano. that's usefull for black ops" he sacrastically  said. " this is the worst hq of all time"  i complained sitting on my chair. " you guys hear that right?  it's not just me? " economos asked annoyed. " we hear what? " harcourt said trying to mess with him. " the fuckin' pi- oh nice gaslighting. " he said and harcourt laughed. 

a/n:  okay so i know this chapter was boring but have a little faith in me i promise it will get better i still hope you enjoyed it tho

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