chapter eight

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we walked inside and peacemaker was staring at a suit. "there are gaps in the armor" adrian commented. "what?" chris asked. " your dad's white dragon costume, right? there are weak points where the cloth is" adrian said. "i thought i told you to wait in the car" chris said. "yeah but you were taking really long" i said. "and all the radio stations are playing commercials- how is this place so big?" adrian asked cutting himself off. "i think it's a quantum unfolding storage area. it leads to a dimensional nodule outside normal space" i said and chris nodded. "well i guess your dad is pretty brainy for a racist, to make a place like this. And if your dads a racist and you work for him..." adrian said. "I don't work for him! He makes me stuff" Chris said. "If it walks like a duck that's all I'm saying" adrian said and I frowned. "What?" I asked. " the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Chris asked. "If it walks like a duck it's either a duck or... a duck wearing some type of human costume. I dont know! He's.. he's unable to hide his distinctive walk!" he said. "How the fuck would that happen?" Chris asked.

"How would What happen?" Adrian asked. "A duck in a human costume? The sizes are incompatible!" Chris said. "i don't know ducks are seaky i guess, i guess that's the whole point of the phrase. that and they give two shits about their best friends pinky toe!" adrian said and chris pushed him. "don't push me" adrian said pushing him back. "hey! calm down" i said we walked back outside and got into the car. 

chris called murn and started yelling at him about putting his dad in jail. "what the fuck murn?! the only way to get the cops off of our tail was to frame my dad for what i did?" he said. murn said something inaudiable as a responce. "it's my dad man jesus! have you ever had a dad?" he screamed. then he hung up. 

"what?" chris asked. "just, i told you those people weren't best friend material" adrian said. "you were right" chris sighed. "hey i'm sorry man that i wasn't more compassionate about you being tortured and all." chris said. "Get out of here! are you kidding me? come on, that's stupid dude" adrian said. " you know you don't have to accept his apologie ?"i asked and he looked at me. "no i was just being stupid" adrian said turning back around. " no i was" chris said. "pinky toes aren't that important" adrian said. "yeah you were being weird about that" chris said and i smacked him in the back of the head. he glared at me and looked outside. "you want me to take you to the jail to see your dad?" adrian asked. "i don't think that's a good idea." i said but they didnt listen to me. "yeah even tho i know he's a racist" chris said. 

"shouldn't you kill him then?" adrian asked. "no! i'm not gonna kill my dad!" chris said. " why not?" adrian asked almost innocintly. "because he loves him" i said. and he nodded. we drove to the jail and parked the car. adebayo got out of her car and walked up to us. "hey! peacemaker" she called and i just stood next to adrian. "so are we gonna talk about what happened or not?" i asked. "what do you mean?" he asked. "well you know in the car when we were waiting for peacemaker" i said. "oh when we almost kissed?" he asked and i nodded. "well what did you think about it?" he asked. "i think we should do it for real sometime" i said ad he smiled "yeah i think so too"

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