1. Caught

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Lonnie was running behind Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal and Ben as the pirate guy in the red jacket was running behind her, almost catching her.
"Lonnie duck!" Carlos yelled and Lonnie did, a smoke bomb was thrown and all went... blue?
Lonnie's vision was blurry and she started coughing.
"Guys?" Lonnie said in between the coughing and she heared the guy who was after her coughing as well.
The air started to clear up and she felt how someone grabbed her arm, the person tuened her around she she looked right into the face of the pirate guy.
Staring into the bright blue eyes with a smirk underneath it.
"You're not going anywhere lass." he said in his Scottish accent and Lonnie tried to free herself from his grip.
"Get off me!" she yelled but she also noticed that the others were gone.
"Now come on lass. They're not coming back for you." he said and Lonnie definitely wasn't being easy.
"Hey captain! One didn't get away!" the pirate boy yelled and the girl with turquoise braids lifted Lonnie's chin as the pirste boy held both of her wrists behind her back.
"What's your name?" the girl asked and Lonnie kept her mouth shut.
"Talk." the girl barked and the guy grinnend.
"Perhaps she's one of those girls who doesn't want to tslk to strangers..." he said teasingly.
"Alright then. I am the daughter of Ursula. AND WHAT IS MY NAME!?" she yelled and all pirates turned to her.
"UMA!" they yelled.
"And the handsome lad who took you hostage, is called Harry Hook." Harry said and Uma rolled her eyes.
"So who are you?" she said and Lonnie looked at her, right in the eye.
"Lonnie. Daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang." Lonnie said and Uma looked at her.
"A little warrior huh? That explains why you could disarm one of my guys so easily earlier."
"Or your crew just sucks." Lonnie spat.
"Carefull there lass." Harry whispered in Lonnie's ear.
"Tie her up. Let's see is the Auradonian girl can handle the cold of the Isle of the lost nights." Uma said and Harry tied Lonnie up on the mast where Ben was tied up on to earlier.

But as the night came, Harry had to stay guard, in case the core four would come back for Lonnie.
He stood a few feet away from her but he could tell that Lonnie wasn't doing well after a few hours.
Her lips turned purple and she was shuddering. Her school outfit wasn't that warm either and he groaned as he felt bad for her.
"Alright listen up. I'm going to untie you, but you stick with me. Got it!?" Harry whispered with caution.
Lonnie nodded softly and Harry felt that her skin was even colder then his, despite the fact they both were outside the entire time.
"Jeez..." Harry mumbled as he untied her and he wrapped his red jacket around her shoulders.
"Come on, you can stay in my cabin... Then you can warm up a bit..." Harry said softly and Lonnie mumbled softly as she leaned aginst him, being weakened by the cold.
"Fuck..." Harry mumbled softly and he took her to his cabin.

Harry laid Lonnie onto his bed and he sighed.
"...the sheets, where the fuck are my damn sheets?" he cussed softly.
The he remembered that he slept in the kitchen of the ship the other day because of Gonzo's snorring.
"I am gonna lock the door. But I'll be back in a second." Harry told Lonnie as he left to get the sheets for her.

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