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Hey guys, this is a remake, I hope you enjoy it and please point out any mistakes I made.


Soft footsteps could be heard walking through the wet streets of Musutafu, Japan. Soaking wet and cold, izuku wondered the streets to find a place to get warm.

"Why do the gods hate me." Izuku muttered to himself as he looked up at the dark sky. The last pair of semi-clean clothes that he had was now soaking wet making him shiver from the cold. He let out a sigh and wondered to a lamppost, sitting under the light he hugged his knees.

After a few minutes of him sitting in despair he finally decided to just go find a trash can to hide in as the smell of new rain hit his nose. After finding a trashcan he shifted into a small black kitten and hid in the trashcan. The sound of drizzling rain that sounded like little rocks hitting the trashcan was all he heard for the rest of the night.


Izuku woke up around the afternoon, he could hear the clatter of people outside the trashcan. He slowly crawled out and made his way to the more calm part of town. He felt his stomach claw at him as hunger finally hit his mind. Putting his nose to the air he sniffed in search of some kind of food. His head snapped to the side when the smell of fresh goods caught his little nose. Creeping over the corner he saw a man in dark clothes carrying a paper bag with a logo he didn't care to read.

He made up his mind and started to sneak closer getting ready to pounce and run with the bag. Before he could get in the stance though the man turned around looking directly at him. Izuku froze and stared back, he took a step back as the man turned to him. Izuku quickly looked around before spotting a place on the side of the building next to him where he could reach and where the man couldn't get him. He quickly climbed the building and sat the the sealed bricks turning back to a human and clinging to the pole beside the wall. He shivered a bit as he was still wet from the rain before.

The man came over to the building and looked up at him with plain expression. Izuku wasn't able to read his face as the man didn't make one little expression or twitch to indicate how he felt.

Izukus eyes snapped to the man's hand as he raised up the bag of food. He stared at it for a few seconds before slowly reaching for it. He then snatched it and backed up into the wall more cradling the bag of food as if it was a priceless artifact.

The man finally let a curious expression take over his face as he watched izuku look in the bag and back to him. Izuku felt a pang of guilt form from the fact he was about to steal this from the man even though he was being so very kind to him.

Izuku looked in the bag and made his decision, he took out one of the wrapped foods and gave the rest back to the man. Well, atleast he tried to. The man didn't reach out to take it again. Instead he just stared at izuku in thought.

He hummed and went over to the building beside the one izuku was on and went inside. Leaving the door unlocked. Izuku blinked in surprise, the bag of food still in his hand. Before izuku could think anymore the smell of rain once again hit his nose and he quickly jumped into the trash bin (which thankfully to him was bigger than the last one) where he happily filled his stomach with the food. He didn't even care for what kind of food it was, he was just hungry.

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