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It was getting colder and colder as the days pass. Izuku was given a blanket by the kind man before he went on a trip somewhere. The kind man seemed to have important business to attend to and had been gone for 2 weeks now.

Izuku could tell the man was hesitant to leave but a loud blond had rushed him before he could turn back. Izuku curled up in the blanket, he was still a small kitten so the blanket was big enough to keep him warm. He mostly stayed in the trash bin due to the cold and only went out for food.

He had been able to find a few good things for the past 3 days, and that made him fairly happy. If he could remember he would say that Christmas was actually in a few days. Atleast from what he has kept little track of. Christmas was never that big for him, and when he was kicked out it was nothing but a ordinary day.

Izuku felt hunger claw at his stomach again making him grumble but leave the trash bin anyway. He walked along the streets passing swiftly through the crowds of people. The shops were filled with people scattering to buy presents for others making the outside streets more empty.

Izuku looked around and spotted a small boy with purple hair sitting alone by a fence. Izuku slowly creeped over to the boy who's hair was covering his face.

Izuku made himself known by walking on a dried up leaf making a crack sound. The boys head snapped up, fear evident in his tired purple eyes. They seemed to relax at seeing it was just a cat and he let our a sigh. Izuku creeped closer to the boy now seeing the bruises on his face and arms. He also had dried blood around his nose.

Before izuku to observe him anymore a man with similar purple hair came stomping out of the house making izuku run and hide behind a flower pot.

The small boy sent him a small smile before he was yanked up and dragged into the house. It looked painful and reminded izuku of the way his father had dragged him around.

Keeping note of this encounter he continued his search for food and came upon a half eaten sandwich. Quickly grabbing it he dragged it back to his dumpster and eat it. Sure it wasn't good but it was food. And that's all he needed to know to eat it.


Izuku excitedly jumped out of the trash bin when he heard the familiar voice of a certain kind man calling for him. Sure he didn't know his name so he was just calling for a 'problem child'.  The kind man spotted him and let out a relieved sigh as he kneeled to the floor. Izuku nudged his head against his legs and curled up between him.

"Damn, your freezing.." the kind man muttered. He picked izuku up making him cringe but comply none the less. For the first time since they met 3 months ago the kind man brought him into his house where he felt warmth overcome him.

He was a little wet from the ice that would melt around him so the kind man set him down on a blanket and used a hair dryer to dry him.

Izuku kept wacking the dryer in annoyance when the air hit his eyes. The kind man had given him some food before letting him say curled up in a blanket on his couch as he started to unpack.

Izuku felt so much happier now that the kind man was back. But then he remembered the boy he saw. He quickly jumped up making the kind man look at him. Izuku went over to him and held on to his sleeve as if trying to pull him somewhere. The man got up and followed izuku out of the house and down the streets. After about 21 minutes izuku stopped at the house where the little boy was dragged. He went over to the door then looked back at the kind man.

(Lol quick chapter, sorry but I had to get somthing out)

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