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A woman shrieked as she was pushed out of the way of a man, drenched In his own sweat. Izuku swiftly avoided the crowds cuz of his small kitten size. Although he did feel bad for causing trouble for the innocent people who got pushed around. That didn't make him stop running though, he was hungry, and couldn't even resist when the apple was just sitting there. It looked so fresh and tasty.

He didn't expect the man to put this much of a chase just for one of the 100 other apples he was selling. Izuku was about to turn the corner when he was plucked up off the ground. Izuku let his nails out, about to claw the shit out of whoever picked them up but he quickly stopped himself as he was face to face with the man from 2 weeks ago.

He dropped the apple from his mouth in shame as the man caught it in his left hand.

"you little street rat!" Izuku wiped his head around to see the sweating man who looked on the verge of collapsing. The kind man gently set Izuku down inside his scarf where izukus head was still poked out.

"I apologize for my cats actions, he didn't mean to cause any problems" the kind man spoke. His voice was gruff and deep. 'Cool' izuku thought as he nuzzled into the scarf glaring at the sweating man.

"How much is the apple sir?" The kind man said pulling out his wallet.

The sweaty man blinked in surprise but finally seemed to calm down.

"2.25" he muttered still catching his breath.

The kind man pulled out a $5 and handed it to the sweaty man. "Keep it all, as an apology for the trouble" he said before turning around and walking away from the sweaty man.

Izuku looked up at the kind man, once again guilt clawed at him as he nudged his head against the kind man's neck.

A small chuckle erupted from the man as the apple was held up to izuku who happily bit into it.

"I have a feeling this won't be the last time I catch you stealing food" the kind man said, there was a hint of fondness in his voice this time making izukus ears twitch from curiosity. Without another thought izuku kept enjoying the apple.


Izuku pounced on one of the rocks the kind man had kicked with his foot. He had been walking with him for a while, although he kept his distance. Izuku was letting the curiosity he felt guide him, he couldn't come to terms if this was a bad thing or good thing.

It was about sunset as izuku bounced around the kind man, rolling in the grass, chasing leaves, and all in all enjoying himself. The kind man just watched him with a soft look in his eyes.

As it got darker izuku felt tired and was ready to head back to the trash bin. He had stayed at the sane one that was by the kind man's home in hopes of seeing him again. He thankfully did but not at a good time. But at the sane time izuku was thankful he was there.

Izuku stretched before nudging his head against the kind man's legs as a goodbye before he ran. He disappeared into the nights as the kind man left to do his own things.

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