New Town, New Life.

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(Y/n's POV)

I tossed and turned in my bed, uncomfortable because of this nightmare I've been having for the past week.

I was at the school here with these two people, one had long brown hair that covered their eyes, a green sweater with a yellow stripe in the middle, and was very quiet majority of the time. The other... well the other was pretty.. OKAY. PRETTY OKAY. YEAH. She had long dark purple hair with a tint of brown in it. It also covered her eyes. She wore a white t-shirt with a midnight purple sweater and ripped jeans, but she was a literal jerk. We were walking towards some closet and the next thing I knew we fell in.

I woke up in a cold sweat, just like every morning. I squinted at the window, that was so bright 'cuz of the sunlight. I didn't hear anyone downstairs, so my parents are probably already left. I dragged myself through the hallway to shower. After taking a shower, I put on my (f/o) and make a little breakfast for myself. Apparently my town had monsters live here too. There were monsters who lived in the city, but there weren't alot. After packing my lunch and eating my breakfast, I walked to school. Both my parents are business owners so they travel around the world alot. So that means my house is only for me until they get back in two weeks. I arrived at my school and watch a red car park in the only parking space available. Was there only one teacher for every grade?? How would that even work?? Two people got out of the car. I quickly ran to the side of the building and tripped on some bike and my foot got tangled in some rope. I looked up and swear I saw for a brief moment, that girl from my nightmare. She chuckled and walked away. "HEY! A LITTLE HELP HERE WOULD BE NICE!!" I screamed out. "Ugh. Don't tell me my nightmare was gonna come true." I thought. And just when I thought that up, the person from my nightmare and their mom appeared. "My goodness are you okay?" their mom said. "I'm kinda stuck-" I explained. "Here, here let me help you.." she said undoing the rope and freeing my leg. "Thank you ma'am." I said. "Oh no worries, My name is Toriel, I teach the kindergarten class. This is my child, Kris. I'm pretty sure you two will be in the same class!" she introduced. Kris waved at me and I waved back. Seems like Kris doesn't really talk. Just like in my dream. "O-oh! Look at the time, I'm late for my own class! Get to class Kris okay? And bring um-" "Y/n. Y/n L/n." I said. "Show Y/n where their class is!" she walked off. They helped me up and held my hand and walked me into my class.

"So does everyone have a-" the teacher stopped to look at me. So there were different teachers here. "Oh... K-Kris...! We thought you weren't coming today! And you brought the new student with you..." she said. Whispers spread across the classroom. "G-guys! P-please settle down, our new student needs to introduce themselves.." she said. But they kept whispering. Me having about enough of this, I whistled really loud and caught their attention. "Sorry, Kris.." I realized they were right next to me still. "Thank you. Anyway, my name is Y/n L/n, I'm 16 years old, I like (f/h), and I moved here from the city. Hopefully I can make friends here.." I said. "Especially 'cuz some of you seem like idiots." I mumbled. "T-thank you Y/n! Now that we've g-gotten that out of the way, uhh, we're going group projects today! You and Kris can be a group since everyone else has one!" she said. "Okay." I agreed. "Y/n, your seat is next to u-uh, Tem and Berdly! Please raise your hands!" she said. The two kids in the front raised their hand and um... wing. I pulled my chair towards Kris' desk and sat next to them. "So uh, what are we doing for this project?" I asked. Kris shrugged. I sighed. "Miss Alphys didn't write it on the board yet, it's fine, you two didn't miss much!" A deer girl smiled. "Noelle! Why are you trying to help those two!? They didn't need to know that!" Berdly whisper-yelled at her. "Maybe because Noelle is a kind person, and is trying to help us out so we don't fail, Nerdly." I snickered. "Um, and WHO was talking to you?!" Berdly turned to me. "No one. But since you brought Kris and I up, I felt obligated to say whatever I felt like." I said back. "So, what are you, Kris' lover?" Berdly said. "No. Is Noelle your girlfriend?" I said back. "No!! Noelle and I are friends!" "Exactly. Eyes front, dipshit." I spat back, sitting back in my chair. I've dealt with people like this before at my old school, he should have nothing to say now. He looked at me angrily and turned around in his chair. Kris took out a piece of paper and wrote something down. They slid it to me and I read it. "Thanks, wanna be friends? Yes or No-" I read in my head.
I circled yes, put a smiley face next to it and slid it back to them. They read it and smiled, giving a thumbs up. Just then, the girl from my nightmare barged open the door to my class. She looked surprised that I was here but shook it off.

"H-hi, Susie.." Miss Alphys stumbled. So she's a jerk in my nightmares and a jerk in real life. Greaaat. "... Am I late?" she said in a gruff voice. Suddenly I felt my heart skip a beat. Her voice is so... um- normal. Very normal mhm. "Ohh, n-no! You're fine! W-we were just, uh, ch-choosing partners for the next group project and.. Umm, Susie, you're with Kris and Y/n!" Miss Alphys said. WHAT. WHY.  "...great." she said. "Wow, so much enthusiasm." I said sarcastically. "What was that new kid?" Susie turned to me and said.
SHIT DID I SAY THAT OUTLOUD??? I turned my head back around to look at her irritated expression. People in the back were "oohing". "Damnn new kid is so DEAD!" one whispered. "Sucks for them, they seemed pretty cool." another one said. I smiled sheepishly and waved. "Uh, don't worry about that." I said. Alphys looked nervously at us. "N-now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!" she said, heading to the chalkboard. She stopped and looked around for a moment. While she was doing that, Susie was eyeing me down, smirking. Was she checking me out or was she aching to beat the shit out of me? Either way I'd rather not. "Uh... H-has anyone seen the chalk? This is the third time it's gone missing and... Y-you all know I can't start class without some!" Alphys said. The class went quiet. "H-how about this? If no one speaks up... E-everyone gets in trouble!" Alphys said. The class still didn't do anything. "A-anyone? "P-please?" "Hey, there might be a box in the supply closet... Miss Alphys, why don't Susie and I..." Noelle interrupted. "G-good idea, Noelle! Susie, s-since you came in last... and Y/n since you started that fight with Berdly, you two can get the chalk. Kris, go with them so you can make sure they actually get the chalk." she said. "Whatever." Susie rolled her eyes and slammed the door. Kris and I got out of our seats to hear more whispers about Susie pummeling my ass. I shook them off and walked with Kris out the class.

We stopped in the hallway to Susie eating a piece of fucking chalk. "Hey you're eating the wrong flavour, everyone knows that yellow is the best." I said sarcastically. Kris pinched me. "Ow what the fuck?" I said holding my arm. Kris shook their head as if they were trying to tell me to stop irritating Susie. Susie quickly turned around. "Hm. Listen new kid. I don't think you know how things work around here." She walked up to me and pushed Kris out of the way. "Kris!" I called out. She cornered me to the locker and held me by the collar. "There can only be one sarcastic shithole in this school and that's me. You, will be like the rest of these losers here, and stay away from me." she said shoving me into the lockers. "Oh but that's where you're wrong. I've with bullshit like this back in the city, I'm not afraid of you. In fact I think we'd make good friends. So you should put me down now gorgeous." I smirked. Susie tensed up and a light blush crept into her face. She quickly let me go. "We're not friends. J-just stay out of my way." she said walking off angrily. "What's up with her?" I said helping Kris up. Kris just stared at me in awe. "What? What's with that expression?" I chuckled. Kris waved it off and caught up to Susie. Something tells me that Susie isn't all big and bad like everyone cracks her up to be.


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