Saying Goodbyes and Heading Home.

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(Y/n's POV)

 We walked back down the hallway, saying goodbye to all the Darkners we befriended. And then we saw Lancer in the throne room. "Susie! Y/n! Blue person whose name I neglected to learn all along! I thought you were going homeways." he said. "We were, but Kris wanted to say bye, you know?" Susie said. "More like you wanted to say bye." Kris said. "We came to say bye Lancer." I said. "Oh!! Really!! Hohoho!! That's funny!! I knew you were coming to say bye because we're friends!" Lancer said happily. "Huh?! I mean, I didn't NOT want to! Um.. so you're the king now, huh.." Susie said. "Yes!! And I'm changing some big rules! First, Lightners are now legal! Second, prison is only for dads!" he said confidently. "Sounds like some pretty good changes. Hey, your dad was uh, protecting the fountain right? Is it okay if we like, mess with it?" Susie asked. "I have no idea! But it's you guys, so I trust you! If something bad happens, we'll fix it out!" Lancer said. "Yeah, guess we'll see I guess. Um, we'll see ya later!" Susie said. "Come back soon! There's always room in town, for a couple of clowns!" he waved off.

We tried going back down the castle but C.Round was blocking the way, so we walked back halfway through the hallway. "Guess we should go say bye to Ralsei and leave now huh guys?" I said. "Y/n, I um- have to tell you something." Susie said. "Hm?" I hope she doing what I think she's doing. "I uh- think we- um should-" she stuttered. Kris was basically staring at Susie in shock. "TELL KRIS ABOUT THE SLEEPOVER WE PLANNED! AT YOUR HOUSE!" she garbled out. "Sleepover?" they tilted their head. "YEAH! You gotta ask your mom though." she said. Oh. So this wasn't a confession after all. "Susie you fucking chalk-eating Barney ripoff get your ass over here." Kris called out. "WHO THE FUCK IS BARNEY??" she asked. Kris looked away from us with a disgusted expression. "GET THIS GUYS, SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO BARNEY IS!" they laughed. "The Dark World is making them crazy." I stared. "No, crazier." Susie chuckled. 


(Kris' POV)

"Y/n? Would you mind if you waited over by Ralsei? I just need to talk to this chalk eater over here." I said. "Oh! Sure. See you guys by the fountain!" they said before running off. I walked towards Susie, hoping she'd be quaking in her boots. I looked up ahead to see if Y/n was far enough before I could say anything. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I said. "I KNOW, I KNOW I ACTUALLY SHOULD'VE, BUT WHAT IF THEY DIDN'T AND DON'T FEEL THE SAME?" she reasoned. "SUSIE. DON'T LET ME BOX YOU RIGHT NOW. THEY LITERALLY CALLED YOU HOT AND ACCIDENTALLY TESTED A COMPLIMENT FOR YOU ON A HEAD HATHY. NOW ONLY THAT THEY CALLED YOU GORGEOUS AND FINE WAY WAY WAY WAY TOO MANY TIMES. DIDN'T YOU SEE THROUGH OUR ENTIREEEE JOURNEY, THAT THEY'VE DONE NOTHING BUT CARE ABOUT YOU AND BLUSH NEAR YOU? REMEMBER THEM BEING CONCERNED FOR YOU EVERY TIME YOU PUT YOUR GOOFY ASS IN DANGER? THAT JUST SHOWS THEY CARE AND LOVE YOU, SO IF YOU WON'T TELL THEM YOU LIKE THEM, I WILL." I said stomping over to Y/n. "KRIS STOP. I WILL, I WILL, OKAY? IT'S JUST- IT'S NOT THE TIME YET... I'LL TRY AND TELL THEM TODAY OR TOMORROW." I said. "Please, tell them BEFORE we DIE?" I said. "Promise." Susie said. We walked back to Y/n and Ralsei.


(Y/n's POV [again])

"Susie, Kris, Y/n, are you guys leaving now?" Ralsei asked. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked. "Um...well I just wanted to say I.....I really enjoyed meeting you three and.." he said fumbling with his hat covering his face. "Hey, can you stop mumbling into your hat for a sec? Can barely hear ya, dude." Susie said. "O-oh! I'm sorry!" Ralsei said. "Um...Kris, Y/n, Susie, I...I hope I can see you guys again soon. Next time I'll make you guys lots of yummy cakes, alright?" he said with a smile. Susie just stood there puzzled and I gasped after seeing how fluffy he really was. "OMG!! AAAAAAA YOU'RE SO FLUFFYYY!! CAN I TOUCH YOUR EARS??" I said running up to Ralsei. "Welp, we gotta go. Bye Ralsei!" I smiled. We continued walking up the path and saw the fountain. We walked towards it as it started glowing rainbow. "Woah..." I said amazed. "Is this...the fountain..? Dunno how but, it feels like we stumbled into something really important, didn't we?" Susie said. "Yeah.." I said. "Well there's no time to think about that right now. It's time to go home guys." Kris said. I don't know what it was, but I felt... drawn towards the fountain. Both Kris and I slowly started walking towards the fountain. Our soul appeared and glowed, as it levitated towards the middle of the fountain.. and then there was a bright light.

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