Escaped Convicts.

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(Y/n's POV)

I gained consciousness and heard a bunch of noise around me. My eyes fluttered open to see Susie hovering over my face. "Hey. Hey Y/n! WAKE UPPP!" she said patting my cheeks. I sprung up spooking Susie. "What the hell?!" she screamed. "Where are we?" I asked. "In a jail cell. We got captured by some guards." she replied. "Hehehe.. you poor Lightners.. we were told to keep you in here for eternity... too bad! Would have loved to see you guys punished!! Hahaha!!" I heard a voice say. I turned my head to see Susie stuffing a Rudinn into a trash can. "Susie, what the hell." I said. "What?! He was holding a spear!" she said. "Don't you have a huge ass battle axe?" I reminded her. "I'm aware of that, but it was all worth it for these." Susie said holding up the keys."Great! So we can get out of here!" I exclaimed. "Wait- where's Kris and Ralsei?" I asked. "I dunno, probably in a different cell." Susie dusted off her clothes. "Huh, a puzzle." I said, turning around. "Yeah, still don't know how to solve it. But since you're so smart, you can try i-" "Wait shut the fuck up for a second." I said interrupting her. "DON'T TELL ME TO-" "SHHHHH. I CAN HEAR VOICES ON THE OTHER SIDE." I whisper-shouted, putting my finger to Susie's lips. "Susie? Y/n?" I heard from the other side. "Is that Kris and Ralsei?" I asked aloud. "Told ya. You worry too much." Susie said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah! We're here! We're just trying to do this puzzle and we'll free you both!" I responded. I looked at the puzzle. "Arright. Just leave this to me." I cracked my knuckles. "Was completely intending to." Susie crossed her arms. I put it in the answer and the jail cell door flung open. "Yes! We did it!" Susie said.  "You mean I did it." I smirked. "Yeah yeah whatever, I'll go find a way outta this place and you try to break Kris and Ralsei out," she tossed me the keys. "Sounds like a plan." I agreed.


(Susie's POV)

Alright, out of the cell... Where to next? I'll just go left because left is always right- I heard Lancer's voice to the right and turned around quickly. "Th... That's Lancer's voice!" I thought. I started jogging towards his voice until I was stopped by a puzzle. Damn, not another one of these... maybe I should go back and ask Y/n...  "And make sure they-" I heard Lancer say from across the room. Lancer... You know what I'll just do it myself. I put in spade, diamond, spade and it worked. On the other side, I saw Lancer... talking to those red guys...? "Understand? They have to stay in their cells. The Lightners can't be allowed to escape, especially the purple one." he told it.


"Lancer?" I said confused. "S-Susie? W-what are you doing here..?" he asked nervously. "Lancer, Kris, Y/n, and Ralsei are still locked up..." I pointed behind me. "I...I know. I...I was the one who told my troops to put you down here... to.. to keep you down here. Forever." he confessed. I stepped forward in disbelief. "L...Lancer... you wanted to get rid of us?" I asked. "I thought we were a team," I said looking away. "I...I can explain, Susie..." Lancer stuttered. I turned away from him, tears welling up in my eyes. But these weren't sad tears. Oh no. They were angry tears. These were PISSED tears. "Nah. It's fine. It's fine, actually. You don't have to say anything. I... get it. I get it, y'know." I said walking away from him. "Why would anyone... really wanna be my friend anyway?" My voice broke. "Susie that's not-" "Shut up." I interrupted. "But-" "SHUT UP!" I yelled. I started walking towards his tiny, shaking-in-fear body. "Get out of my way," I said.  He didn't move. I hit the wall extra hard. "Did you HEAR ME? GET OUT OF MY WAY." I yelled. "," he said softly. I laughed, no, cackled. "Did you not HEAR ME..? Man, I tried to warn you." I said. I walked back to the end of the hallway. "So, don't expect me to feel guilty.." I said, summoning my axe. "When they have to clean you off the floor." I said with a wicked grin on my face.


"Hey, do you wanna see what happens to traitors?" I said. Then I hit him, dealing 247 DMG. He then attacked me, but I dodged. This kept happening until he made his attacks start avoiding me. "Heh, you missed idiot!" I yelled at him. I hit him again. He missed me again. "...wait... why aren't you fighting back...?" I asked him. I hit him again. He missed again. "Heh, you think I CARE? If you just wanna lie down and die? You're making this easier for me!" I said. I hit him again... He missed again. ".... Alright that's enough. If you wanna die so much...  THEN DIE!" I said "dealing the final blow". But I didn't. I missed.

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