Chapter 15

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Gabby's Pov:

Once we arrive to the hospital, Mills and Brett unload the other victims and hand them off before getting to me. Once they are done, they roll my stretcher to a doctor. "Can you stand?" he asks me. I nod and get off it carefully. He leads me to an examination room.

He gives me a hospital gown to change into and leaves. I change into it and then sit on the examination table. While waiting for him to get back, I think about Matt. He is probably so worried. He looked terrified when he found me in the house. I never want to leave him. I wouldn't.

The doctor walks back in and smiles. "How are you Miss Dawson?" he asks me. I laugh and say, "fine, besides the fact that I was just in a house that exploded." He chuckles and says, "how are you feeling?" I respond, "My head hurts a little. And my head is cut pretty bad, but besides that." He nods and says, "let's take a look."

He checks my cuts and says, "Oh yeah, we are going to stitch that up. Now, I need you to answer some questions so I can see if you have a concussion." I nod and he proceeds. "What's your name and what is your personal life like?" he asks me. "Gabriela Dawson. I work as a candidate for the firehouse and I am currently living with my boyfriend Matt Casey," I respond.

"Good," he says. "Looks like you don't have a concussion." I smile, thankful that I don't have one. If I had one I would've had to miss work again, which I don't want to do. I love my job.

"Okay, I'm just going to give you a quick examination to make sure everything else is okay, then we are going to stitch you up," he says to me. I nod and say, "okay."

Matt's POV:

I arrive at the hospital and wait for any news on Gabby. I know that she is okay, but I can't help but worry about her. While waiting, I decide to call Antonio. When he answers I explain what happens to him and he says he will come to the hospital.

After about half an hour a doctor walks into the waiting room. We all were waiting for Dawson. "Miss Dawson is fine. She doesn't have any concussion. She has a few bruises and we are stitching her head, but besides that, she'll be okay."

I exhale the breathe I've been holding and smile. Thank god she doesn't have a concussion, she just got back to truck! Just then, Antonio walks into the hospital. "Matt?" he asks me. "The doctor just said she's fine. She just needs stitches on her head and has some bruises," I explain.

"Thank god," he mutters and takes a deep breathe. "Can I see her?" He asks me. "She's finishing getting stitches, then you can," I say to him. He nods and sits down next to me.

Gabby's POV:

When I'm done getting stitches, they say I can leave the hospital. I walk to the waiting room that they say people are waiting for me in. I smile and say, "hey, what are you guys waiting for?" They laugh and Antonio stands up. "Gabriela!" he says running up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Tonio, I'm fine," I choke out. He just keeps hugging me. "Why do you always have to scare me so bad?" He asks me, sounding a little worried. "I'm a firehouse Antonio," I respond to him. "Yeah, and that scares me bad," he says as he releases me from our hug and looks at me. "Stop worrying, I will be fine," I say. I see Matt walk up behind him so I add, "and I have the best Lieutenant ever."

He chuckles and Matt says, "damn right." Antonio smiles and looks over at Matt. "You better protect her on calls man," he says to him. Matt nods and says, "of course I will." I look over at Matt and smile. It was very difficult not to go up to him and kiss him. The house is here, so we can't.

"I'm glad you're okay Dawson," he says as he hugs me. "Thanks, Lieutenant," I respond and release from his arms. "You guys are so cute," Antonio says quietly. I smirk and playfully hit my brother.

We are very close, so I tell him everything. I told him about Matt and I making up and getting back together. I also told him that I moved back in for Matt. He is very supportive of us.

After I say hi to everybody, I find chief in a chair across the room. "Hey Chief," I say and I hug him. "You like scaring us, don't you?" He jokes and I laugh. "Guess so. They said I can go back to work," respond. He nods and says, "why don't you take the rest of the shift off?"

I rather be at work with Matt than home alone without him. Plus, I absolutely love my job. "Thanks Chief, but I rather finish this shift," I say nicely. He shakes my hand and says, "You're a great firefighter Dawson and I'm proud to have you on truck." I smile and thank him.

I get back into the truck with everybody else. "You sure you're fine to get back to work?" Matt asks me. I nod and say, "positive." He is worried about me, I know it. And I'm sure that he will try to talk to me alone when we get back.

The rest of the way back to the firehouse, I joke along with Otis, Herrmann, and Mouch. When we get back, I walk into the common room along with everybody else.

"I'll cook today since you got hurt Dawson," Mills says to me. "You don't have to," I say to him. He smiles and says, "don't worry about it." I give him a look of appreciation and sit down on the couch.

I walk into the halls to find Matt, but instead run into Severide. "Kelly, have you seen Matt?" I ask him. He laughs and says, "You can't have sex at work Dawson." I scowl and say, "Why not? Like you haven't before." He nods and is about to say something, but then stops. "Exactly," I respond.

I found out a week ago that Severide knew about us. He was Matt's friend, of course Matt told him. "Well, I'm going to head to the showers, might want to make sure nobody goes there," I say to him. He laughs and walks off. "Bye Lieutenant!" I shout to him. He waves to me and keeps walking.

I head to the showers and text Matt. A minute later he arrives, a huge smile on his face. "I know you were having fun out there, but I thought you might have more fun in here," I say. He grins and says, "I think you're right." His lips crash against mine and soon he's taking my shirt off, and I take his off.

Between kisses he says, "I can't believe you remembered this," I laugh. Back when we first started dating, we hid in the shower and had sex. "Of course I remember, Lieutenant," I respond and kiss him again. "You're going to be the death of me, Gabriela Dawson," he moans. "Same, Matthew Casey," I say as we get into the shower stall and close the curtains.

Thanks for reading. Are you sad about Mills leaving the show? I am, but I wish he didn't kiss Dawson. Anyways, review!

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