Untitled part 1

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Martin slipped his beanie off and swapped it for his helmet while his team performed a final check on the sled. It was a few years old, but light as hell. And it was plain black with no sponsor stickers, why? Because black is badass.

This is Martins first race sponsored by Polaris, and he was starting to get nervous. Too late to back out now; his admission payed, contract signed, insurance handled. So he yanked on the cord and let it warm up. He gave a quick hug to his girlfriend Natalia. They exchanged I love yous as he straddled his sled. As she walked away she said over her shoulder "Be careful."

"You know I will," Martin answered.


yay! so first chapter. is sucks, i know. but maybe they will get better...idk. feel free to leave comments/advice.


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