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At first, it was nothing. A speck of dust on the floor, a grain of sand on the beach. Utterly insignificant. It had no thoughts, no feelings. No body to have any of these complex functions with. They all started like that, as far as it knew. As seamless in the dark as shadows.

And then, there was something.

It could see, and what it saw was a figure, dressed in a long, white robe, golden curls making him look almost angelic, were it not for the sadistic glint in his eyes, the smile that he wore so proudly unnatural, stretching the corners of his mouth in an almost grotesque fashion.

If it'd known the word for it, it'd have said that the stranger's face was like dried out clay, having once been malleable and smooth, now with clear edges to it.

"Rise, my child."

The stranger's mouth didn't move, but it inexplicably knew that the soft, monotone voice could belong only to him. It would not make sense for it to belong to anyone else, there was simply something... Right, about it. How wrong it was, an impossibility of nature. Just like him, with his angelic features and warped expression.

"You must be confused, poor thing. I will explain everything, my child. I will make you whole."

The stranger lifted a hand, placing it atop the emptiness. What should have been the emptiness. His fingers brushed against a smooth, marble-like surface, grin widening as he did. Without a second's hesitation, his hand suddenly grabbed onto it, onto the head of the newborn.

Strength that would have cracked skulls, but to the creature, it just hurt.

With another swift motion, he pulled his hand back, taking the abomination with him into the light. It was pitch black, completely devoid of light, and the light that hit it seemed to be swallowed up by its dark form. Its shape resembled a person, if they were wrung out and left to dry in the sun. Its arms were thin like pencils, long and lanky, reaching far below what a person should be able to. So, so tall. There were no features in its obsidian face, no grooves signifying that there were even supposed to be any. It almost looked like a base, moldable.

"Mm... Well, this just won't do. No one will be scared of you if you can just sink seamlessly into the shadows. I will fix you."

The man put his hand on the creature's face, pressing his thumbs into the mockery of a flesh, shaping it as he saw fit. First were the eyes, big and wide. There were no need for eyelids, for a way for it to close them. His hands lingered there for a second, before moving to its waist. It seemed to pinch the skin, pulling it outwards carelessly. The creature's flesh stretched, and ever so slowly, was formed into six thin, identical poles, three in each side.

"Much better. You see, I've always loved spiders, and I think you'll find it much easier to get around with the extra limbs. Now..."

He grinned maliciously, one hand going up to its forehead, palm pressed taut against it.


At first, nothing. Then, the creature could finally be. It could feel the cold air tickling its flesh, moving its pole-like appendages experimentally. Taking in the stranger's appearance, a singular thought came to mind, the first it'd ever have.


"𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪."Where stories live. Discover now