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It was odd how quickly time went by when you were having fun. When it was just doing as it was told, 3's life was monotone. Uneventful. With Mark... It was all different. All new.

Still, it knew that this wouldn't stay that way forever.

Retribution came much later than expected, a full year after the alternate had stopped all attempts to kill its newfound friend, after it'd taken a good, hard look at the meaningless destruction it had previously been a part of.

It came in the way of Father.

There wasn't anything odd about that day, nothing that might signify that things were going to turn sour so quickly. All it knew was that it was walking back to 'his' house, smiling, before it felt... Off. This distinct feeling of being watched, of being judged. It felt like he were completely exposed, all its secrets spread open for the world to see.

It tried to ignore it, to keep on going about its day. It was probably another nosy human, 3 knew exactly how curious they were. But it started to worry after it'd been five minutes of walking without the feeling going away, and the streets just seemed to get emptier with each step it took. It felt like prey being lead to the slaughter.

"... Look, if you're an alternate, I'm one too. I'm sorry if I stepped into your haunt, alright? I'll just- I'll just leave."

Just when 'Cesar' was about to take a step back, go back the way it came from, the air suddenly got unbearably cold. This was definitely an alternate, but they weren't interested in letting it go unharmed. 3 sighed, resigning itself to this, before letting its disguise drop. It shook its hands once, trying to bring attention to its sharp claws, to get the unknown alternate to drop their assault.

"Now, is that any way to treat your father? I didn't teach you to bite the hand that feeds you, 3."

That voice... It was coming from right behind it. Before it could even fully process what was happening, it felt a hand wrap uncomfortably tight around its neck, lifting it up and off the ground as if it weighted nothing.

"No turning around. You see, I've been informed of your little pet. Mark, was it?"

Mark. It couldn't let Father hurt Mark. 3 struggled with a newfound sense of urgency, legs kicking wildly, trying to find a way to scratch at the other's arms from its uncomfortable position. A fruitless endeavor.

"Struck a nerve, no? You see, I normally wouldn't care about what one of my creations did, as long as they continued to do their job on the side. But you? Oh, 3, you haven't killed anyone since the disguise you're currently wearing. And I can't let that happen. I'm so close from achieving what I've set out to do, too close to let a defective failure fuck it all up by refusing to just do as they're told."

It knew he was smiling. Father had always been cruel and ruthless, and it didn't matter who you were, if you were on his side or not. Because the moment that he thought otherwise, he wouldn't hesitate to kill you on the stop, make an example out of you for anyone else having the same ideas.

3 knew, deep down, that he was the example this time around.

"But, it'd be too light of a punishment to just kill you. So, in my wisdom, I've decided to hurt your little human instead. You were willing to give up your purpose for him, so it's only fair if he gives up his life for yours, hm? Kill him, and all will be forgiven. I am a merciful father, and I am willing to ignore your recent transgressions if you just do this for me."

No. It couldn't do that. To think that more than a year ago it'd have not even comprehended why this was even a question, why it wouldn't want to tear any human to shreds. With one final burst of effort, 3 gave a forceful, decisive kick backwards, hitting Gabriel straight in the chest. The momentary stumble was just enough time for it to squirm out of Father's grasp, running as fast as it possibly could. Fighting Father wasn't an option, it wasn't something it could ever do. It didn't need to turn around to feel how angry he was.


Shit. It just needed to keep running, keep going. 3 didn't stop running, not when the air finally went back to its normal temperature, not when the streets were bustling with activity again. It was only after 3 near exhausted itself that it allowed itself some rest, stumbling down onto the cold pavement below.

It was so fucked now.

"𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪."Where stories live. Discover now