Chapter 11

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Cat's POV

Tori: Oh, hey Cat.
Jade: Hey Cat.
Me: I need to tell you something.
Jade: What is it? Oh, I'm bored. Tori, I'll pick you up at 6 and we'll go for sushi. (walks off)
Me: I need to tell you something about Beck. I overheard your conversation. I know I can trust you now, Tor.
Tori: see... Told you
Me: Go and tell him you can. I'm okay with you guys being a thing.

She froze for a second

Tori: is this some kinda test or something?
Me: nope
Tori: (crying) Come here. (hugs her) You're my best friend.
Jade: Hey guys. What did I miss?
Tori: Cat gave me her blessing to date Beck.
Jade: It's about time. (Smiles)
Catorade: (clap, laugh and hug)
Tori: am not sure, he still likes u, lets wait or this night because some love triangle.
Cat: na i wont go back to him, go tell him before it is too late.
Tori: ok, but how do you know he doesn't still like you?
Me: just got tell him already

I've decided that today I will tell Beck that I want to be with him. I walked down the hall, ready to tell Beck the truth and I saw him kissing another girl. I could feel the tears.

Me: I'm too late.
Cat: (hugs Tori)
Beck: Hey Tori, Cat! This is my girlfriend, Evie. Evie, this is my friend Tori and my ex girlfriend, Cat. But we're good friends now.
Me: I'm gonna go find Jade. (Walks off)
Beck: Tori, wait!
Jade: Hey, did you tell him?
Me: No.
Jade: Why not?
Me: I'm too late.
Jade: What do you mean?
Me: He's got a new girlfriend.
Jade: I'm so sorry, Tori.
Me: Me too.
Beck: Hey Tori. (walks past)

I don't want to talk to him at the moment. I wish there was something I could do to take away the pain I'm feeling.

Me: Don't talk to me. (walks off with Jade and Cat)
Andre: Don't you think you're being a bit harsh on him?
Me: No.
Jade: It's his fault!
Beck: What about me?
Me: I may as well tell you. I was ready to tell you that I wanted to be with you, but you went and got another girlfriend!
Cat: I even told her that I was okay with you and her being in a relationship!
Beck: What? (shocked) how on earth are you blaming me for that??? Sorry I don't read minds. Am sorry Tori, but am not dumbing my girlfriend for another girl, it is wrong to dumb someone for that reason. Be mad at me all you want, am not changing my mind.

I can't believe him, you know what am happy I didn't get a chance with him. One day he likes me, the next he is into some other girl. He even did the same thing to Cat ofc he was gonna do it to me later. I don't date players anyway. He was probably gonna dumb me for another girl in the future anyway

Beck's POV

Girls are so confusing and frustrating. One day can't be with you, the next they can, now if I dumb Evie tomorrow she might say she doesn't wanna be together anymore, like make up your stupid mind!!! Do you wanna be together or not?!

How to are they mad at me anyway, just because I got another girl? She told me we couldn't be together so I aassumed that meant we aren't together and therefore I can date any girl I want. Or does she wanna keep me single forever and not even date me?Evie's POV

Beck and I are going on a date tonight. I'm really excited for it. He is so cute, and I really like him. That Tori chick was dumb not to go out with him, because all the girls in our school wanna go out with him.

Cassie: So, I hear you're going on a date with Beck tonight.
Me: Yep. Don't tell mom.
Cassie: I promise I won't.

Cassie is my sister and she really is a good sister. She always has my back and keeps all my secrets. My parents say am too young to date, even though I'm 16 years old. They won't let me date till am 50 but I know they'll expect me to be married by the time am 25.

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