The Memories

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"Did you really think you were going to live the rest of your life free? Tsk-tsk Petal." Said the faceless voice, not breaking away from the shadows.

"No, this can't be real." I stated and began my sprint across the uneven floor of the hallway.

"You can't escape me, Azyria. I am always here, watching."

"No, go away." I said trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

"I told you, didn't I?" The owner of the orotund voice said, approaching. "You'll never escape."

"Leave me alo- oh no!" I exclaimed, losing my balance and hitting the ground knees-first.

"You're mine, you heard me, MINE!" He said as his fiery hand gripped my left ankle and pulled me into the depths of darkness.

"No... no... NOOOO!" I screamed, looking around frantically.

"Azy, what's wrong?" Nathan asked, his voice full of concern.

"Noth- it's nothing, just a stupid nightmare." I replied calmly, in complete contrast to my in otherwise ragged breathing and racing heart.

Are you sure?


"Okay." He said and took me in his arms. "It was all just a dream. I'm here with you." Nathan soothed me gently and stroked my back reassuringly with his hand.

"Yeah, just a bad dream." I said before hugging him tighter.

Some say that nightmares are often linked to unresolved fears and traumas that our brains haven't fully processed. And for sure, my nightmares are deeply intertwined with my past.

Inhale-hold-exhale. I repeated my breathing exercises in my head.

We sat there enjoying every last bit of intimacy the hug offered until he leaned back and closed the distance between us with a few smooches.

The pecks were surprisingly passionate, so it's no surprise that I began to melt in his arms and crave more.

Unfortunately, he announced his departure before I could indulge in the kiss.

"As much as it pains me, I gotta go."

"Can't you stay a little longer?" I asked, wanting to spend more time cuddling.

"You know I'd love to stay, but I have to leave early tonight to attend tomorrow's 8 AM meeting at the base."

"I know." I replied, getting up from the couch to nuzzle against his ear. "I'm going to miss you."

"What a coincidence! I'll miss you too!" He said tenderly and followed up with another brief kiss.

"I really have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you then."


With 'peace' and 'quiet' firmly plugged in my ears, I fired up my computer, pressed play on the podcast and started digging into my projects.

Even though I'm alone, I can't really start working when Yoyo is away because I've gotten used to always having some kind of background noise.

I've just come home after dropping him off at his kindergarten a few blocks away. He usually attends around half a day of school, which gives me the same number of hours to get my chores done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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