The Sun's bedtime story and the Moon's embrace

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You were about to leave the daycare to roam around the Pizzaplex to give candy samples as you do every day but stopped when Mike motioned for you to come over to the security desk. "What's up, Mike?" You dropped the nickname calling since he had a serious expression on his face, way more than usual. "Before you leave I wanted to tell you that I won't be around the daycare much anymore... got promoted higher up so I quit early today" Mike said with a saddened tone and you frowned at him "But that means I get to see you less!" You complained as you pouted at Mike. He gave you an eye roll "I know and as much as I love your candies, I love a bigger paycheck more" Mike teased you as he reached towards you and pulled you down so he could ruffle your hair.

"Hey, watch it! You're ruining my headband you dofus" You pushed him away from you playfully and quickly fixed up your hair that Mike had messed up. All of a sudden you could feel hands on your shoulders as your back was pressed into somebody's torso "Hey there Sunlight, I was about to leave but I'll come around after my shift!" You guessed Sun had once again snuck behind you, both of them liked to do that quite a lot so you had gotten used to it by now. Suddenly Sun spun you around and picked you up to embrace you in a hug, unbeknownst to you Sun was glaring at Mike while he hugged you close, Mike silently scoffed at Sun. You gently got placed back down on the ground and went on your way out, waving goodbye to Mike while smiling, him giving you a small wave back.

"Since you were eavesdropping, you already know I won't be around much longer... so I'll tell you this, if you hurt them I won't hesitate on making you into scrap, got it?" Mike wrathfully warned Sun "Like I would ever do that, you're just jealous Y/N likes me more" Mike scoffed again and eye rolled at him. "Sure pal, but my point still stands, now don't you have any kids to attend to?" Mike shooed him away, not wanting to speak any more to such a creepy animatronic, Sun mentally scowled at him but Mike was right, Sun did have kids to watch so Sun walked away without saying anything more.


You were running late, you had told Sun you were coming after hours but you had temporarily forgotten the time and now you were rushing towards the daycare. You quickly pried the doors open and got in with ragged breaths "Y/N! There you are! I was beginning to worry..." You heard Sun's familiar voice coming towards you as you were catching your breaths. "Sorry about that, I forgot the time!" You heavily breathed out and got up from your hunched position to see Sun looking down at you with concern. You caught your breaths and smiled at Sun but he continued to stare at you without saying anything, a distant look on his faceplate "Um... Sunlight? Are you upset?" You asked but got no answers from Sun, he just stared at you. Was he rebooting? You moved to the side but his eyes followed your movements, so he's not rebooting? Sun was slightly scaring you while staring at you and saying nothing so you grabbed a Sundrop candy from your pocket and threw it at him, hitting his faceplate right in the centre, bull's eye!

Sun snapped back to reality as he felt something hit him, he heard a clatter on the ground and looked at it, it was a Sunnydrop you always carried on you... and then Sun realized he had been staring at you for way too long. "Ah sorry about that! I was updating our software?" Sun sheepishly explained while twiddling with his thumbs "Didn't know lying was in your programming" Moon laughed in the back of Sun's mind. "I see, I thought you were rebooting or something, gave me quite a scare" You chuckled "Sorry about that Y/N! I'll read you a bedtime story as an apology!" Sun said as he bounced towards you with glee. "Bedtime story? You don't wanna play?" You questioned, your expression showing confusion, Sun loved to play so him suggesting you go to sleep so soon isn't usual. "No I do! But you look quite exhausted... and I don't mind you napping for a bit! So let's go to the Night corner!" Sun happily grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the Night corner where the kids had usually taken their naps. All kinds of pillows were strewn all over the place, some pillows were big while some were small. Though no pillow was big enough for you to lay on seeing as you were an all grown adult.

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