The Star that wanted to escape

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---- Trigger warning: Non-con stuff ------

The kids had luckily slept through nap time and were clueless about their so-called malfunction, Sun's eyes had maintained its translucent white eyes. He was kind of disappointed about that, he wanted cute heart shapes too! Sun waited patiently for you to come back to him, he'll suggest a slumber party! That will keep you safe and you would spend all night with them, it would also make Moon happy... he was so worried about you after all. Sun was worried too but keeping you in the daycare? It seemed a bit too rash to him, you were quite strong and could handle yourself couldn't you? Of course you could.

You arrived back before the last nap time of the day like usual and you played with the children. Your laughs always gave Sun a funny tingle like feeling, it was quite pleasurable to him and he could listen to your beautiful laugh all day like the music that played on the daycare speakers. Sun kept glancing at your neck ruff, images of your injuries popped into his mind, that was probably Moon's doing, to convince Sun to keep you in the daycare. Sun quickly shrugged the images away and smiled at you as he held your warm hand, you were doing ok and your health was fine.

Sun had told you to take your break before nap time this time which led to Moon growling at him in anger, you were confused but Sun just led you out the door before you could refuse his offer. Moon was not being himself and Sun was scared he would do something drastic to you which would make you hate them!

"Why did you do that!?" Moon shouted at him in anger "You are not being yourself!" Sun countered but that made Moon more angry "I'm perfectly myself! System check said all was fine!" Moon had a point but Sun wouldn't risk you hating them, you meant too much to him to lose you like that.

Nap time came and went and soon you would arrive, if you said no to Sun's slumber party he had to make sure Moon didn't come out to force you to stay with them. You arrived with that gorgeous smile of yours and Sun went to embrace you, your soft skin felt good on his receptors that were on his body, giving him the ability to feel through his metallic body.

"Oh Sunbun before I forget to ask, would you like to stay the night? It could be a spontaneous slumber party!" Sun asked you while he swayed side to side "That's sweet of you Sunlight but I did stay the night quite recently anyway so I have to decline, maybe next time we could plan one instead" You had sadly rejected his offer, he was allowed to hope right? Since you gave him your answer, he had to make sure Moon didn't come out this time. "Hey Sun, why don't we try hide and seek again? This time you know I won't run away!" You had suggested but honestly right now he would rather have you in his vision at all times, though he couldn't say no to you... your optimistic look was just too adorable.

After a few rounds of hide and seek, you were declared the winner. Sun was impressed by your hiding skills, he had a hard time finding you without his heat vision. Now you were taking it slow and were making sock puppets, you had made a dinosaur looking puppet or was that Monty? Sun was too scared to ask you in case he offended you in any way. Suddenly you brought an apple sticker near his faceplate and stuck it to one of his white eyes "You could say you're the apple of my eye" he laughed as he thought about how he also wanted new looking eyes like Moon. In retaliation Sun opened up your palm and placed a heart sticker in your palm "Guess you have my heart in your palms" You giggled at him and was that a snort!? Oh gee golly, Sun could feel himself heat up hopefully you couldn't hear the internal fans spin too much inside of him.

You removed all the stickers you had put on him, Sun appreciated all of the small touches you did as you your hands grazed his faceplate but in the end you had opted to use a wet rag to more easily remove the stubborn stickers. It was time for you to go and Sun hesitantly let you go and saw you exit the wooden door... Moon shrieked at him but it had to be done... Sun would call the maintenance crew tomorrow so they could take a look at them just to make sure Moon wasn't malfunctioning. Sun began to clean up the daycare like usual, and couldn't leave any messes around for tomorrow's arrivals. As he organised some round boxes on top of eachother like a tower, he suddenly heard the door burst open and he went to investigate what or who just aggressively opened the door.

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