The Moon's plead and the reluctance of the Sun

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----- Trigger warning: Slight drugging -----

You had made it to the daycare an hour before the first naptime started and Sun greeted you with a pick up hug, while spinning you around like usual and that had alerted the kids that you had arrived. Sun put you down gently on the floor so you could greet the children and greet them you did, you were being so adorable... Sun had to push back his desire to just take you back into his embrace... the kids would probably grow jealous if he took you away from them, besides sharing is caring and Sun cared so much about his little Sunbeams, yes he did!

The kids had decided that they wanted to play 'red light, green light' before naptime and you couldn't say no to that, it wasn't a very high energy game to play. One of the kids wanted to be the one who decides who's out and who's in and it seemed like the other kids didn't have any objections so you let them be the one who says 'red light, green light'. You explained the rules to all the kids in case some didn't know how to play and they all listened carefully. One kid suggested that the one who won the game would receive a candy from you, of course you told them you would give the winners extra candy after naptime. You couldn't give kids an energising candy right before nap time after all, well you could just to piss off Moon but you weren't that evil.

The game had started and Sun had lost round one because he couldn't stand still from excitement, you had to hold in a giggle as to not move and lose as well. You had done pretty well not moving at all while red light was in effect and your spring shoes could give you an advantage but you decided not to use it seeing as you were playing with kids so going slow was just fine with you. Suddenly as red light got announced, a kid had suddenly pushed you to the side so you fell down on the soft green memory foam floor. Safe to say you lost the game but you were out for revenge so you made the kid who pushed you laugh with funny faces during the red light. Were you petty? Yes, yes you were.

You had won the second round, you think the children pitied you when you fell down the previous round seeing as they practically wouldn't move if you weren't in the lead. Sun this time kept himself still, so much that he won the third round, that came as a surprise to you... what kind of prize could you give him seeing as he couldn't really consume your candies? I suppose you have to ask him what he wants later. You told Sun to let the kids win since there was only one kid who had won and Sun nodded in understanding. After 5 more rounds it was time for the children to take a nap, you and Sun herded the kids to the Night corner, giving each child a Moondrop to help them sleep, of course not the Moondrops filled with too much melatonin that you had stashed away, that would spill disaster. You turned off the lights and made your way back to the Night corner to help Moon get the children to sleep, they all demanded a bedtime story before going to bed and you looked towards Moon "Why don't you tell them one? Mine has been told thousands of times" Moon nonchalantly smiled at you and the kids looked at you with puppy dogs eyes you couldn't say no to! You sat down by the kids and told them the story about Princess Mononoke, you kept the more gorey aspect of the story out of your version, you didn't want to give them nightmares! After your story Moon watched you tuck in the last of the kids, he could've let you go early and told a bedtime story himself but honestly? He just wanted to hear your voice, your beautiful voice... not that you had to know that.

"Alright, that's all of the kids off to Dreamland, I'm going to take a break and I'll be back before the next nap time" You informed Moon, keeping your voice low so as to not wake up any of the sleeping beauties. You were about to hop off to the daycare exit but a metallic claw gently snaked it's fingers around your wrist, you turned around and looked at Moon with confusion "You seem a bit tired yourself Moonbun, why don't you take a rest as well?" He asked you, while that was a tempting offer but you had to decline this time, your stomach wanted food quite badly! "Thank you for the offer but maybe next time Moonshine" You winked at Moon and it seemed to stun him for a second making his grip on your wrist slacken, that was your opportunity to get out before Moon could protest and make you stay for a nap. You quickly did what you did best and hopped swiftly to the daycare exit before he could react.

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