Ch. 017

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"I'm done with this shit! Why can't you just listen for once?!"

"What do you mean woman!? You haven't even once gotten a proper order right, now you're lecturing me!?"

"Well, atleast I can read!"

Two co-workers were shouting at each other in the middle of the office, drawing almost every other employees attention and Seline's chair was yanked backwards by her friend. She turned to confront her for disturbing her, however was startled by the female co-worker who started to harshly pull on the male's hair.

"What the fuck are you two doing?! Are we therapists or circus clowns!?"

Lana rolled her eyes at the trio's continues arguing, so she pulled Seline out of the office along with their cold drinks in order to get some silence. She slammed the door close and was capable of breathing properly, which caused Seline to lightly chuckle at her friend's drained expression. "Seems like someone was having fun back there"

Lana leaned her back against the wall, laughing along with Seline who took few tips of her sweet cold drink to moisten her throat due to the drying weather.

"How's life with your hot husband? Have you guys slept with each other yet?" She was fascinated with the fact that Seline and some handsome guy got arranged to marry one another, just like her favorite type of romance novels.

Seline scoffed. "You're the reason men hate arrange marriages. You would totally enjoy that, way too much"

"I'm not gonna denial nor agree to your statement, but I was very insecure about the marriage. I was bothered by the fact that I may marry some cold-hearted guy, however he has been the complete opposite of cold. He's very nice, caring and ... clingy"

"Clingy? In a sadistic or perverted way?" Lana earned a slap to the shoulder by Seline, who blushed heavily. "What's wrong with you? You're insane"

"Was he like 'babe, let me eat you' or was it more like 'call me daddy, baby', tell me Seline" Not being able to handle her sarcastic remarks, Seline began the chasing hunt and was determined to catch the fleeing creep. Lana was laughing loudly as she ran across the hallway, still being chased by Seline who screamed at her from the back. "I'm gonna kill you, you pervert!"

After saving a file to her USB-Stick, Seline was presented with a plate filled with different coloured macaroons and was convinced she's being bribed by Lana, who bowed as if Seline was someone above her. "I'm sorry Master for mentioning your daddy"

Seline picked a red macaroon and threw it at the athletic Lana, who easily caught it and bit a chunk out of it. Licking every piece of it, loving the taste she groaned. "I truly wish to see his expression if you would've ever said that, so try it out during sex"

"I will literally throw you out of this office if you keep mentioning my sex life all over the office" She angrily whispered underneath her breathe, turning back to face her folder and laptop to continue working. Lana wished to keep annoying her dear friend, yet only clicked with her tongue before heading back to her own desk.

As soon as she had sat down, Seline's phone began vibrating inside her bag, so she pulled it out and blinked a few times. Alan was calling out of the blue, but she had few reasons in mind. She accepted and leaned her phone beside her ear, clearing her throat. "Yes?"

"Seline, you didn't call. So, I wanted to check up on you, are you all right?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for not calling you, but I'm fine. I'm having some macaroons"

She was able to hear Alan laugh through the phone, which caused her to smile. "You love those French sweets, do you?"

Seline laughed. "Yeah, they're so soft and small"

She picked the pink coloured macaroon, bit into it and was able to taste strawberry, which was her favorite fruit so she wasn't complaining.

"Just like you"

She nearly choked on the macaroon inside her throat, coughing violently where even tears began filling her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just speaking the truth. Honesty is one of my many beloved traits, haven't you caught on yet?"

"No, I have"

She could hear his heavy breathing even through the phone, so it actually concerned her. "Alan, are you okay?"

"Yes, just wishing I could kiss you right now"

Lana and Seline had stepped out of the building, looking completely wrecked from the outside. She observed as her friend was busy stretching all her limbs, as well as cracking the lower back. Seline groaned, not being able to Crack her back so she was experiencing light pain.

"Your husband is here"

Seline frowned at her comment, so she followed her gaze and widened her eyes when she spotted Alan approaching her with a lenient smile. He stopped only a few inches right in front of her and handed her a cold bottle of lime juice. "Thank you Alan"

He didn't respond, only smiled as a sign of gratitude that she had accepted the juice and was battling her exhaustion with it. Her cute reactions from the effects of the lime juice caused Alan to lightly chuckle. "I have water in the car, maybe that would be better than lime juice"

"No, it's fine. This is healthy too"

Alan noticed a slim figure appearing in his vsion from the corner of his eye, where he slightly turned his head aside and nodded when she awkwardly waved her hand at him. "I'm her friend, Lana. Nice to meet you Mr. Khabekhirov"

"Pleasure to meet you, are you ladies planning on going somewhere?"

The two women exchanged glances with each other and shaked their heads side to side in unity.

"Then, have a lovely day Lana"

Lana watched as Alan gently intertwined his fingers with Seline's hand and slowly brought her towards his car. He opened the door for her, let her inside and walked across the car in order to step into the driver's seat. Then, he drove off.

To be Continued...

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