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Chris woke me up! He said, "Wake up! I got doughnuts!" I got out of bed and ran to the kitchen. He said, "No! Don't go in there! Today's your birthday!" She ran into the kitchen anyways. They all gasped. She said, "Where are my doughnuts?" I said, "Right here!" She squealed, which she never does. She said, "Food!" Mia said, "Rose, come here!" She did.

RPOV (Rose)

I said, "Why do you want me in here?" She pulled out a pregnancy test. She said, "Did you guys have sex?" I said, "Why do you want to know? No! He forgot the condom! What are we going to do?" She said, "Don't worry! I've got birth control."I said, "Thank you."

So sorry that this chapter was shit!

- Romitri142059 (aka Olivia La Vanway)

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