Kaya! ((Kadota x Izaya))

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My apologizes in advance, the ending is rushed. But overall I hope you humans enjoy my longest one-shot yet! Please enjoy to the fullest.

Izaya x Kadota - Rated T - Theme: Romance

Izaya Orihara gave a false, half-hearted laugh and smile as he looked at the brown eyed brunette. Kadota Kyohei was slightly frowning at the raven with his eyebrows furrowed together in a bit of worry. "Is this another one of your horrible jokes Izaya?" The raven had just confessed his feelings to Kadota, his feelings of affection. At first, Izaya thought he just felt the same towards Kadota as he did humans, but then the feeling got stronger and stronger until he realized what he felt towards the brunette.

Izaya looked at the ground, ashamed. He didn't want to believe his words either, but that's exactly how he felt at the moment. "No, it's not a joke . . . I really think I have feelings for you Dotachin." Izaya let out a long sigh while fidgeting around nervously, not wanting to look up into Kadota's mesmerizing brown eyes. It seemed as if everyone outside on the school track had gone silent, they hadn't of course, but it seemed that way as the raven waited for an answer. Izaya's eyes began to water as he thought about what Kadota would say, whether it would be kind or maybe even hurtful.

Kadota's large hand reached out and rested on top of Izaya's head, gently patting him every other second. "I understand then . . . I don't think I can give you an answer yet, I'm sorry." Kadota truly wanted to say yes on the spot, but he wanted to give it a bit of time to think about so he wouldn't make the wrong choice and accidentally hurt someone. He couldn't bear to hurt himself or someone around him.

Crimson eyes began to overflow with tears, the raven's mind was thinking about the worst possible outcomes, which was quite a lot. Kadota began to move his hand around on top of Izaya's head, attempting to comfort the raven. "I-it's okay Dotachin . . . I guess I'll wait until you want to tell me." The brunette, not knowing what to do with the crying raven, grabbed Izaya's arm and pulled the crimson eyed male in for a tight hug.

Both males were comfortably hugging under the bleachers before an annoying, but familiar voice rang out. "Izaya, Kadota, that's where you two are! We were looking for you," Shinra Kishitani said with a giant smile across his face. Behind the dark brunette male was a blonde male with mocha eyes, glaring at the raven.

"Izaya-kun!" Rang out before the sound of metal crunching was heard throughout the school, Shinra and Kadota jumped out of the way just as a bench went flying towards Izaya. With a wild grin, losing the teary-eyes and frown, Izaya turned around and dashed off before Shizuo could reach him. Kadota stood there with a conflicted look, whereas Shinra stood there with a grin across his face, probably thinking about his darling Celty.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Izaya leaned against the side of the building, panting harshly, the raven had gotten away from the blonde somehow. However, he pulled his phone out and got the Kadota's contact, lingering over it before his phone flashed, indicating someone was trying to call him. Kadota's name and a picture of the brunette also popped up, startling Izaya. Then, with quick movements, Izaya clicked answer and held the red flip phone up to his ear. "Hello~ this is Kami-Sama."

"Are you still in one piece?" Kadota said in an almost monotone voice.

Izaya couldn't help, but to giggle. "Of course I am! That monster of a protozoan couldn't even catch up to me."

There was a sigh on the brunette's side of the line. "Whatever . . . I was just making sure you didn't let him bash your head in. Goodbye now, I'll answer your question later."

With that, the line went dead. The raven's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but then he let out a sigh, beginning his journey home. He walked out of the alleyway he was hiding in, looked around making sure Shizuo wasn't still following him, and began to walk down the street. After five to ten minutes of walking home the raven finally stopped in front of a fairly large house. He lived with his mother, father, two twin sisters, and his hyper, but loveable, cousin.

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