Chapter 33 : Lost In A New Country

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Tubbo was racing up to the baggage claim, forgetting Ranboo as he swore he saw his stuff. Ranboo had said his parents were gonna wait at their car for them which they gave Ranboo where it was. Tubbo of course was gaining energy, the concussion and tiredness from earlier blowing away as he raced up and checked the bag. He had to take a moment to read it but he knew his name well enough that even dyslexia couldn't stop him from knowing it. Besides Tubbo was the only person with a green suitcase that had bee, Beeduo, Bench Trio, and Tommy & himself pins. It was surprising how quickly his community began making pins of him and his friends. Though it made sense, they were just a perfect group.

Once he grabbed his bag the whole environment began getting crowded as new luggage from a different plane flooded and people flooded with it. He began panicking as the large amount of people surrounded him and stressed him out. Nothing made sense to him and he wasn't sure what to do but escape the crowd and fled to a corner and calm himself. He began crying mainly because he knew he lost Ranboo and he wasn't sure how far he ran off from the baggage claim. He still had his suitcase with him and everything he owned but he lost his guide, his emotional support, and his closest friend and only friend in this new environment. He was lost in a new country.

"I can't believe I'm lost. I can't believe this." Tubbo whimpers to himself. His phone begins ringing and he pulls out his phone to find Ranboo calling him. He quickly answered and curled up on the ground. "Tubbo where are you?" Ranboo asked sounding concerned. "I got stressed from all the people and ran in a random different and now and now I'm l-l-l-" Tubbo spoke begining to cry again. "Your lost okay okay. Breathe Tubbo. I need you to find a police officer or security guard to help you since you don't know the direction you went and your dyslexia is most likely acting up." Ranboo told him, informing him what to do. "And Tubbo just sta-" Ranboo said getting cut out. He looked at his phone and his stomach plummeted as his phone died.

"No no no no" Tubbo said trying to get it to turn back on but it wouldn't. His phone was dead, dead of the dead. He lost communication to the person who knew what to do, could read normally, was understanding and open-minded, and was an extreme height that made him able to look slightly over a crowd to still know where they were going. He lost contact with his friend. Now he began to panic again but tried to focus himself. Okay okay Ranboo said to find a police officer or security guard to help him. He thought to himself.

He left the corner and began looking around to find security. He got relieved at the sight of a security guard. He went up to the adult as he was fiddling with his shirt, "Excuse me sir. Um I'm lost and I'm dyslexic and I'm trying to find my way back to my friend.". The security guard looked Tubbo up and down. "Is your friend dyslexic?" He questioned and Tubbo aggressively shook his head, "Only facial dysmorphia sir.". He wanted to make that clear so the officer wasn't suspicious of Ranboo, "So he wears a mask and sunglasses sir.". He nodded and asked Tubbo his friend's name. "Ranboo sir." Tubbo said nodding. "So why didn't you call him?" He asked. "My phone died sir." Tubbo informed and the man nodded in understanding.

"Will Ranboo please come to South Security. Will Ranboo please come to South Security please. Thank you." The adult said through his walkie talkie which made a statement on the intercom. He turned back to Tubbo, "Let's hope he heard that.".

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