Chapter 34 : Stay By My Side

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Tubbo stayed put, staying silent beside the officer till he could see Ranboo walking along and his heart lifted. He raced up to Ranboo and Ranboo spread his arms out, catching Tubbo and lifting him up and spinning him. Ranboo kept Tubbo in his arms, nuzzling Tubbo. Tubbo's body was filled with warmth and butterflies flapped around in his stomach as Ranboo clung onto him. It just felt right to be in Ranboo's arms, to be back with his friend. Ranboo looked up to the officer and came up to him, "Thank you officer for keeping an eye of my little bee and helping me find him again.". Tubbo blushed at the nickname and the butterflies fluttered around more.

The officer smiled to them warmly with happiness and pride in his eyes, "No need for thanks. It's always great to help a couple find their ways back to each other. This is probably the best day on the job for me.". The man pulled out his phone and showed him cuddling a guy, the guy kissing his cheek. "Besides I got my someone back at home too." He told. "Oh we're not-" Tubbo began but the officer cut him off. "You don't have to hide that you like each other. Your community won't be told I promise." The officer comforted. Tubbo and Ranboo both blushed at that and Ranboo thanked the officer again and Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's stuff, put Tubbo down, and held Tubbo's hand as Ranboo led the way as Tubbo tried to grab Ranboo's bag and giggling as Ranboo was didn't allow him to.

Ranboo pulled them over to pull out his phone. "Not loosing you again." Ranboo informed as they stopped and Ranboo turned on his phone and texted someone. Ranboo was probably texting his parents. It was warming that Ranboo cared so much about him to actually pull them over so he didn't loose him again. Ranboo put his phone back into his pocket and grabbed Tubbo's hand again and continued. Tubbo stayed close to Ranboo, brushing against him knowing he would keep him safe. Though he knew Ranboo wasn't good at fighting, he still knew where he was going. Which was better than Tubbo. Both of them soon managed to reach the exit area and Ranboo led the way to the elevator which Tubbo looked up at Ranboo confused.

"My parents parked on a different floor." Ranboo informed and Tubbo made an 'o' face. He followed Ranboo and he went up to one level from all the way up and led Tubbo along. Tubbo looked around and giggled as Ranboo kneeled down and nuzzled him. Tubbo giggled at his action and it echoed. "This actually isn't the level my parents are on. I just thought it would be nice to have a moment with you." Ranboo said as Ranboo put Tubbo's suitcase against the wall and his bag with it. Tubbo tilted his head and squeled as Ranboo picked him up and spun him around.

Ranboo stopped spinning him and gently slipped his mask down to kiss Tubbo on the lips and Tubbo melted into the touch, savoring the feeling of having Ranboo's lips against his. It always felt like the first time no matter where Ranboo kisses him and how many times he does it. It will always make his heart swell and make his mind buzz with excitement and pleasure. It will always make him feel like he ruled the world and will forever be young. It always made him feel special and important in all the best ways. He knew his parents would be a little shocked but it didn't matter. He really did love Ranboo and he will always want him on his side.

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