Chapter 44: Back To School

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((Happy Pride Month My lovelies!!))

The two of them were going back to school today. At the moment they were running around in the early morning, packing things and putting it in the car, and giving goodbyes. Sadly Ranboo's father didn't come to say goodbye. That hit Ranboo harshly and made him feel not cared about more. Tubbo comforted him, trying to keep his mind off that fact. Tubbo found an empty photo album with a sticky note on it, "Happy Birthday, Take this photo album and fill it up with memories at school. -Dad". Tubbo raced to Ranboo and showed it. He smiled to the album and Ranboo thanked Tubbo for finding it. Ranboo went up to the wall and took out the photo his parents had printed out of him and his friends with the rocket, slipping it into the album. He put the album into his bag and wrapped his arms around Tubbo happily.

The two brought their stuff to the car and Ranboo's friends came to say goodbye. "It was nice meeting you Tubbo." Luke said, shaking Tubbo's hand. "It was nice meeting you too." Tubbo says kindly to Luke. Luke was an interesting person in Tubbo's mind. "Don't fall too deep Ranboo. You'll have Summer without Tubz." Ben said to Ranboo. "I'll try." Ranboo said. Tubbo looked at Ranboo being reminded of that. Summer. It was relieving that it was fall but winter break would come soon enough and then they would be separated till January of the new year. I wish I could never be separated from Ranboo. Tubbo thought to himself in wishing. He was brought back to focus when Ranboo lifted him up. Tubbo squeled at the action, making Ranboo laugh.

Ranboo put Tubbo into the car and Ranboo closed the door on him. Ranboo soon sat in the seat across from him. Tubbo and Ranboo put on their seatbelts as Ranboo's mom came into the car. The two talked a bit but Ranboo didn't talk as much as usual, his father's leave bothering him deeply still. Ranboo talked about it slightly, but Tubbo was mainly trying to keep Ranboo in a good mood. "Ranboo you want some Starbucks sweetie?" Ranboo's mom said softly. Ranboo nodded slowly to her, Tubbo being saddened by how down Ranboo was. He wanted him to be happy, to feel better about everything and anything that was going on. He wished he knew how to make him feel better.

"What do you want Ranboo?" Ranboo's mom asked. "The usual." Ranboo said softly. "Okay and Tubbo do you want anything?" Ranboo's mom asked. "CAKE POP!" Tubbo yelled loudly in enthusiasm making Ranboo's mom chuckle at him. Ranboo slightly smiled at Tubbo's childish enthusiasm over the sweet treat and that made Tubbo feel slightly better. Ranboo's mom pulled up and gave their order, "A vanilla frapuccino with extra whip cream, a americano, and a cake pop please.". "Alright that will be at the window." They person said kindly and Ranboo's mom went to it and soon the three left with their things. Ranboo's mom gave Ranboo the frapuccino and Tubbo got his cake pop and he ate it happily with not a single complaint in the world.

They continued driving and soon reached the airport, stepping out and getting their stuff. They began to walk into the airport and Tubbo's heart began thudding with anxiety at the large amount of people and noise that the airport held. Signs reading off airlines but his dyslexia was on the fritz. The worst part was Ranboo was still not in the zone which made it harder for Tubbo to think straight on anything. This isn't gonna be easy.

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