Life, News, and Drama

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     It was 9 am and Anthony and Kate were being very loud in the bedroom which jumped scared me into waking up early. As soon as I got up I looked around my room making sure no man was trying to kill me. Once I got out of the bed, I immediately put on my favorite robe and some comfy slippers and sat on my chair to read a nice book. It was obviously a book  about woman struggles that I had gotten from an old friend of mine but I still very much loved to read it.
     A few minutes go by but to me it seems like it's only been a few seconds. A knock was on the door. I get up, fix my robe and open the door and to my surprise it was Benedict standing in front of me with his waist coat and pants all filled with paint holding a small canvas.
     Benedict then started to speak, "Hello sister  I do have a gift for you" He said this with  a light chuckle but not the chuckle he was when he is high on his powder stuff, it was more of a joking laugh which made me curious.
     "Well hello brother, what makes you so needed to interrupt my reading and quiet time from hearing our brother and his wife in the bedroom" Eloise hated the thought of a woman bearing children which is why she minded the noise a lot and could not stand it. She learned to distract herself from the noise now but it sometimes did get to her.
     Benedict chuckled as he handed her a small canvas with a painting of Eloise as a proper lady as he just laughed as she looked at her and her reaction. "Here"
     I was pissed in the moment and looked at him and spoke soon after realizing what it was, "BENEDICT REALLY!" I looked at him with annoyed eyes and with a slightly mad tone I was speaking to him in. Meanwhile Benedict was just laughing his ass off thinking this was some type of joke or something.
     "Well sister you will look like a proper lady one day with your little husband and children bearing children" Benedict said this as he was being childish and laughing like it was some type of joke to Eloise. He just looked to annoy his little sister Ian a playful brotherly way.
     I sighed and then coughed to get my voice back in order from my annoyance and looked my brother in the eyes once more. "Well then Benedict you should go be a father to some little children and actually work instead of painting all day for your stupid fun and jokes" I then put the painting down on my dresser as a sigh came in again. "Thank you for the unneeded mockery of woman. I said this as a joke, more sarcastically then anything just to piss him off.
     Benedict sighed as he finished his chuckles; "Be down in a half an hour for brunch, see you then" He said as he immediately shuts the door and walked away in a hurry almost like he was busy with something else.
     I sighed as I took off my robe and put my stays over my shift that I wore to sleep the past night. I am usually very clean so I don't make the maids wash always every little thing of mine cause I see them as good people who don't need more work in there shoulders.
     I then put on my Petticoat after that I put on my nice daytime dress which covered my collar moves and shoulders, then after that I put on my tiny female waist jacket due to me being cold in the moment and then I put a ribbon through my hair and make sure I looked slightly clean as to not look like a complete idiot in front of my family.
     I then sighed as I wanted to read more. Then fully the nice seamstress put a pocket in my Petticoat so I put my book in there and it fitted perfectly and was not noticeable at all. I then had a quick look around my room, put the painting in a drawer I had and then closed my bedroom door as I headed down the stairs to the less fancy dinning room of our house.
     On my way there I said hello to some of the servants who were my friends as I smiled at them and then after I walked away I heard gossip. I rolled my eyes hating gossip so I ignored them as I usually did with other ladies and nobles in society. I then did my usual grab the paper for today and walked into the less formal dinning room.

 I then did my usual grab the paper for today and walked into the less formal dinning room

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