Chapter 1: On Stage

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Duff's couldn't keep his eyes of Slash who as the concert progressed wore less and less clothing

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Duff's couldn't keep his eyes of Slash who as the concert progressed wore less and less clothing. First came off the jacket as they rocked out under the sweltering lights on the stage, before a horde of fans who screamed or sang along, rocking out just as hard as the band they came to see. Then came off the t-shirt, and now there he was bare chest...and well Duff couldn't help himself but sneak a look whenever he could. 

His glances did not go unnoticed by the lead guitarist who hid his own stares much better than the tall blonde bassist. He had the blessing of having thick dark curls obscure much of his face allowing him a certain freedom to stare much longer than often felt necessary without detection. 

There was always something between the two since the beginning but what that something was? Neither had dared to figure that out. Their open affection, arms constantly around the other as they drank, smoked, and led debauched filled nights was just platonic good nature affection between two very, very straight friends, right? 

Slash was just like that with everyone! He'd slump down next to any of the band members, rest his drunken head on their shoulders, or just sprawl across their laps. Steven good naturedly tolerated it, Izzy would begrudgingly tolerate it, depended on his mood which ran both hot and cold, calm or crazy at any given moment. But Duff...would reciprocate it. 

When neither was busy with a girl, or getting sloshed on booze, they could be often found canoodling on a couch or bed while people continued partying around them. There was just a level of ease and comfort they had for the other, that being so intimate together felt natural. Or they were just so far gone and so drunk, a warm body was just a warm body! What's what they told themselves at least. 

There was nothing gay about it right? Duff and Slash were very hetero, sleeping with countless girls. Even alongside the others, but Duff...Duff couldn't dragged into a threesome with ANY of them. Slash had tried, many times in fact but the tall lanky blonde would suddenly develop a new shy trait, blush and shake his head. Okay fine! 

What nobody knew and something Duff loathed to admit and was deeply paranoid about, was if he saw Slash fucking (he had walked in on him a few too many times by accident), he'd might react in a way he was not prepared to deal with, for himself and for Slash to witness. See Duff may be harboring a deep, deep crush on his friend. And it scared the fuck out of him! 

Slash was so fucking cool, his smile, his languid way of speaking, his whole attitude oozed cool, and the guy was a whole lot of fucking fun! Slash knew how to have a good time. The guy could talk you into anything. Duff saw it first hand, whether it was getting girls to buy him drinks since they were all broke fuckers, or scoring himself some coke, or weed, Slash talked his way into well, getting his own way. But he hadn't been able to talk Duff into a threesome. No fucking way. 

The fear Duff felt about putting himself in that situation over powered Slash's magnetic charm and ability to manipulate about anyone. Not only was he damn charming, he was incredibly sexy. Lithe, with soft brown skin, his long thick dark curls, that smile that warmed a person up! And on the rare occasion when you could directly stare into his dark warm brown was overwhelming. At least that's how Duff felt on occasion and was sure the countless female fans, groupies and one night stands of the guitarist felt too. 

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