Chapter 3: Where Do We Go Now?

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[warnings; slurs used, Axl is a huge jerk, and angst! oops I did not mean for it to go the way it did!]

 They were not fooling anyone, well not him, Axl Rose. He immediately began to pick up on the changes between Slash and Duff. They weren't huge changes but for Axl, it was catching the way they began to stare at each other over a course of a few weeks.A hungry, needy, lustful stare that he caught exchanged between the two on and off stage. 

They flirted earlier before for sure, but in some aspect they all were quite affectionate with each other. Axl himself often felt Slash rest his head on his shoulder during a quiet moment, or Duff would come up behind to hug him, but that felt like a brotherly affection, whatever was going on between Duff and Slash felt and looked different. 

So when the pair hand in hand giggling took off from the after show party, Axl felt a need to confirm his suspicions so he followed. They were just suspicions after all since they never openly showed anything remotely close to confirming they were hooking up. Oh they must feel they had everyone fooled. But Axl was not some ordinary fool like Steven or most of their crew or management. 

Why did he care? Well for one, this would affect the band in more ways than just a change in the dynamic. It could have dire consequences for them entirely. They weren't exactly in a secured position to really rock the boat, and oh boy did they rock it already with their antics of partying, destruction, drug and booze binges, and stubbornness towards the label and management about complete creative control. It also meant their reputation as a band was on the line. The fans were not the type to openly embrace a couple of fags in the main band line-up. Loss of fan support meant the death of any band. 

Were they? Gay? Axl didn't hate homosexuals, he just didn't want to be around them. His hang ups were personal but they influenced his views. Which was why he was perplexed by whatever it was going on between his two bandmates whom he considered friends as well. Duff had a girlfriend, so had Slash, several in the past, they fucked groupies and girls a plenty, even together (Slash and himself). So why did they do it? It made no fucking sense! 

He kept his distance but their loud laughter and voices carried down the hotel hall way towards their rooms. Geffin liked to pinch pennies when it came to them, especially since they could rack up quite a bill for damage(which was taken out of THEIR pay), the band was forced to share rooms, but given their odd number and Axl being the lead singer and songwriter, he was given preference and provided his own room at his own cost. Privacy was a luxury he didn't know he missed since moving to L.A. Now it was something necessary for him to function. 

Axl watched from the corner of the hall as Duff and Slash disappeared into the door of their assigned room. Once he heard it shut completely he walked quietly over to the door. Surely they'd lock it. It was, so he leaned in hoping to hear something. Neither were good at volume control once they drank past a certain point. 

After a few minutes, sure enough he heard the undeniable sounds of moaning. That was all the confirmation he needed. So he left to contemplate what this all meant for him, them, and the band. 

Once the door slammed shut, Duff was on his knees in front of Slash who leaned against the hotel bedroom wall in a delirious horny state. His body buzzed from coke and whiskey, he smiled dreamily as Duff sucked him off. He was getting a lot better sucking dick now then when he first did it two weeks ago. The technique would come in time, but the fact it was Duff who eagerly went down on him was enough of a turn on to get Slash off rather quickly. 

Slash an one leg propped up on Duff's shoulder, even on his knees the guy was fucking tall. Honestly he had fantasies of Duff holding him up fucking him against a hall, or just standing. Their relationship hadn't gotten that far, anal sex. 

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