Chapter 2: Girls, Girls, Girls!

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Their driver found them a local strip joint, whether it was going to be a real classy place or sleaze fest was yet to be seen. The outside had the classic neon flashing lights, posters of scantily clad ladies, and a few loitering men, one which was an actual bouncer, a big fella with a mean scowl. This place would do for some fun. 

While neither of the Gun boys were considered swimming in cash, they had pockets or wallets filled with enough cash to tempt any dancer, and for some rounds of drinks. Once that went dry, Steven or Slash had a habit of cajoling women around them for free drinks, drugs, and eventually wooing them over to the hotel for a continuation of the night's fun. 

Being bouncy as ever, Steven was the first to approach the menacing bouncer who observed their arrival with interest. A limo meant they were important, and their looks screamed rock band. That meant money so he breezily allowed them in. After all it was his job to discern whether a patron was worth allowing in depending on how much money he looked to have. These guys even with their leather, and ripped jeans were sure to spend wildly. Those rockers always tend to be generous to the girls, and drinking down the house. 

The main room had a haze from all the smoking and poor ventilation. Four ladies in various states of undressed shimmied, dance, and rode the poles on the main stage. Several other ladies made rounds to the tables serving drinks, flirting with the patrons, enticing ones for a paid lap dance. 

"There's a free table there, let's grab it!" Steven pointed over to table being cleared by a skinny blonde. 

The received a few lingering stares as they hurried over to the table. The place wasn't full exactly, maybe over a dozen or so other patrons but all the tables near the stage were occupied. Business men, truckers, construction laborers, from white to blue collar, all men of many types came here for a bit of excitement where home provided none. Divorced, single, married, estranged, didn't matter. They came for the girls, wanting to feel alive, aroused, or to get their minds off their miserable lives. 

As soon as they took their respective seats, Slash plopped down with a grin leering at the nearest girl who sauntered over to their table. 

"Hi fellas, you thirsty?" She purred. 

"We sure are baby doll, I'd like a--" Steven ordered a whiskey sour, Izzy just a whiskey on the rocks, Slash and Duff got vodka cocktails. 

Several of the dancers in the vicinity were eying up the newly arrived group. Firstly they were younger than the average man who frequented this joint, and secondly they looked real cute. A bonus. That in itself was enough to draw a couple of girls over to the table hoping these cute young men had the cash they wanted. 

"Looking for some company tonight gentlemen?" One of the dancers, named Jewels asked as she leaned over Izzy and Steven, jutting out her chest just enough for the guys to take notice of her ample bosom. 

"Always are sweetheart," Izzy leaned back in his chair with a grin on his thin face. 

Their drinks came and the waitress looked sour that two others had swooped in on her table. There was a bit of a snarky exchange but it was clear Jewels had seniority and outranked the poor other girl. Her companion was named Belle, a curvy Asian chick with thick black teased hair and glittery make-up. Jewels was a Southern-esque gal, with a slight accent, bleached blonde hair, heavy make-up that tried to conceal she was a lot older than half the girls here. 

"So what do you guys do, I mean for work?" 

"We're in a band baby! Just played tonight, we opened for --------," Steven excitedly explained eyeing up Belle. 

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