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Shen Wanying was startled, and subconsciously threw away the knife in her hand.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and she panicked for a while, and stood up from the chair forcefully: "Huo Cheng?"

She called Huo Cheng's name and walked towards the entrance garden. The smell of blood also seems to be stronger.

She leaned against the wall and saw Huo Cheng slumped by the door, his white shirt was dyed a dazzling red, and the floor below him was dripping with blood.

Shen Wanying felt her breathing stagnate and her heartbeat seemed to stop.

"Huo Cheng?" Her voice trembled when she shouted these two words, she felt that she must not have woken up.

Huo Cheng naturally didn't respond to her. He closed his eyes and the black hair on his forehead drooped down, just like he usually fell asleep.

There was a high-pitched dog barking outside the door, followed by a fierce knock on the door. Shen Wanying just stood there, staring blankly at Huo Cheng on the ground.

If it's a nightmare, come and wake her up.

When Shen Wanying woke up again, she was already in the hospital. The nurse who was examining her saw that she was awake, and immediately went out and called the doctor.

Following the doctor, there were two men she did not know. One of them took out his police ID card and showed it to Shen Wanying: "Hello, Miss Shen, we are the police." The

word "police" made Shen Wanying's temporarily blank mind slowly remember before she passed out. matter.

Shen Wanying's heart tightened suddenly: "Where's my husband? Where is Huo Cheng?" The

police looked at her and said, "Your husband lost too much blood, and he died after being sent to the hospital."

Shen Wanying didn't seem to understand He looked up at him and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The police recounted the details to her once: "At 7:13 this afternoon, we received a call from the owner of Xinghu Mengjing One. After he walked the dog home, the dog suddenly barked at your door, and he went up to the door. Qian knocked on the door but no answer. Because of the faint smell of blood, the dog barked wildly. He guessed something happened to your house, so he called the police. We rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the call. After breaking the door, we found your Mr. Huo Cheng was stabbed in the abdomen and was in critical condition. He was sent to the hospital and the rescue was ineffective. You passed out beside him. After the doctor's examination, both of you showed signs of poisoning, but you are out of danger and are not in serious trouble."

He said After such a long speech, Shen Wanying only heard the words "life is in danger" and "rescue is ineffective". " No

, you must be lying to me." After a moment of silence, Shen Wanying was suddenly agitated, "How could Huo Cheng die? He was just celebrating his one-year anniversary with me."

Zhidi began to cry, and the tears fell like beads with a broken thread. Seeing that she was so excited, the doctor next to her hurriedly reassured her: "Miss Shen, you are pregnant. Your excitement will affect the fetus."

Shen Wanying was stunned: "I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, we I found out when I checked your body. Luckily, the fetus is fine."

Shen Wanying looked at him quietly, but tears were still flowing down unconsciously.

The doctor turned to the police and said, "Officer Zuo, the patient's mood is very unstable. I suggest you wait for a while before continuing to inquire."

Officer Zuo looked at Shen Wanying who was sitting on the hospital bed for a while, nodded and called the Master out.

"Team Zuo, what do you think?" Xiao Wu, who was following Officer Zuo frowned, asked him, "I thought it was Shen Wanying who did it, but looking at her just now, it didn't look like she was acting. "

They found the weapon that killed Huo Cheng at the scene, with only the fingerprints of Shen Wanying and Huo Cheng. And when she found Shen Wanying, there was still blood on her hands.

The door was closed, and they asked the security guards and obtained surveillance. On the day of the incident, no suspicious persons had entered or exited, which basically ruled out the possibility of outsiders committing the crime.

Police Officer Zuo frowned slightly, thinking about the case: "The superficial evidence looks like this, but there are still many things that don't make sense. The murder weapon was found in the restaurant, and Shen Wanying fell into the house, why is she killing Huo? After the city, put the knife in the restaurant? What's the point of doing this?"


"Also, Shen Wanying herself was poisoned." The police checked the remaining food on their table and confirmed that the poison It's that cake. There were residues of cakes on the plates and stomachs of the two, and it was confirmed that they both ate it. "Although this poison is not fatal, it can also make people incapacitated. According to the blood at the scene, Shen Wanying is a She walked from the restaurant leaning against the wall to the house. She was already very weak at that time. But the knife on Huo Cheng's body was very powerful."

Xiao Wu said: "Then she may have stabbed Huo Cheng first, and then ate it. The cake, pretending to be poisoned."

"That cake is their anniversary cake, wouldn't it look unnatural if she didn't eat it all the time? And if so, why didn't she just kill Huo Cheng and just run away? Stay suspect It's not that easy to clean up."


"There are also many doubts about the cake itself." Officer Zuo pinched his temples, if Shen Wanying was not the murderer, how did the murderer make him disappear completely ? What is his motive? "For more details, I'll have to ask Shen Wanying later."

"Okay, left team." The

police are still investigating the case, but the media that has heard the news can't wait to use "Shen's daughter is suspected of killing her husband, Huo Huo" The Shen family broke up completely" such a sensational title.

The Huo family and the Shen family are both well-known families in City A. When the two married, the media rushed to report, and they were all in the limelight. Unexpectedly, after only a year, there was a case of "killing husband", and the stocks of Huo and Chen continued to fall. The Shen family, who had been implicated in Jiang Jin's "washing, black, and money", was even worse. But these rich and powerful history of grudges and grievances have always been the favorites of little farts after dinner, and this time they are also involved in a murder case, and the popularity is still high.

Fortunately, Shen Wanying is now in the hospital and is being monitored by the police, so she has no access to these news.

The police questioned Shen Wanying again the day after she woke up.

This time Shen Wanying's mood has calmed down a lot, only her eyes are still slightly red.

"I didn't kill it." Shen Wanying looked at the police officer Zuo, not sure whether it would be better to describe it as calm or expressionless.

Officer Zuo said: "Then tell me in detail about the situation that day."

Shen Wanying said in a calm tone: "That day was the first anniversary of our wedding. I went home from work and planned to make dinner. When I entered the community, the security guard Said I had a courier, that cake, which was sent by Yuanyuan Dessert Shop. After Huo Cheng returned home, we had dinner together, and then suddenly heard a noise in the corridor, which lasted for a long time, Huo Cheng said it out Look. He told me to stay in the dining room and I waited for a while, and when he didn't move, I wanted to go and have a look, but I passed out. When I woke up again, I found a knife in my hand I was very scared and threw the knife aside. I didn't see Huo Cheng, so I went to find him. I was very uncomfortable at the time. I walked to the entrance garden and saw Huo Cheng lying there, covered in blood... ..."

When she said this, Shen Wanying's mood finally changed a bit, she paused for a while, and then said again: "I don't know what happened next, I seem to hear a dog barking, someone barking the door, wait for me I'll be in the hospital when I pass by."

Police Officer Zuo pointed out the doubts one by one after listening to her narration: "We asked the owner of Yuanyuan Dessert Shop, and he said he never sent you a cake."

Shen Wanying said: "The wrapper, the knife and fork plate, and the card on the cake are all from Yuanyuan Dessert Shop. After I received the cake, I sent a message to thank the boss for sending us the cake. But he didn't get back to me."

When the police were investigating the owner of Yuanyuan Dessert Shop, the other party also said that the information could match Shen Wanying's. The boss was busy in the store at the time, so he replied to Shen Wanying after eight o'clock, saying that he hadn't sent a cake, but it was already too late.

Officer Zuo said: "We have investigated Yuanyuan Dessert Shop and heard from the boss that you have a good relationship, is that so?"

Shen Wanying nodded: "I knew the boss when I was in high school, and he is my aunt's good friend.

" Then do you think he has a motive to poison you?"

Shen Wanying was silent for a while and denied the possibility: "I don't think so, and it doesn't seem to make sense to put the poison directly into her own cake.

" Then what do you think about the cake?"

Shen Wanying said, "I guess the murderer bought the cake from them in advance, and kept the wrapping paper, card inserts, and knife and fork plate."

Officer Zuo paused, He opened his mouth and said, "It's possible, but it's also possible that you did it yourself. You made a poisonous cake yourself, pretending it was sent by Yuanyuan Dessert Shop, just to blame them afterwards. But you I didn't expect poison to kill, so you killed Huo Cheng with the fruit knife at home in a hurry."

Shen Wanying looked at him, her black eyes were quiet but sharp: "No, why should I do this? Why do I want to kill Huo Cheng?"

"I heard that Jiang Jin's incident has something to do with the Huo family, do you hold grudges because of this?"

Shen Wanying retorted: "No, don't you police cases with evidence? I heard Is it

okay?" Officer Zuo snorted very lightly: "So you think Jiang Jin's matter has nothing to do with the Huo family?"

"Yes, even if it does, if I kill Huo Cheng, can my aunt be released? Can Dong Qiwei be arrested?"

Officer Zuo did not answer her question, but asked her: "If the murderer is not you, how did the murderer get into your house? When we arrived, the door of your house was intact and there was no sign that it had been forcibly opened. Have you ever given someone else the password or key of your house?"

"No." Shen Wanying thought for a while and said to him, "At that time, we heard a quarrel in the corridor, Huo Cheng went over to check the situation, the door might be He opened it himself."

"So the murderer took this opportunity to come in and kill him, and then closed the door and left?" Police officer Zuo looked at her, "But according to the surveillance, there were no suspicious persons entering or leaving at the time of the crime, so how did the murderer hide himself? ?"

Shen Wanying said, "Isn't this something your police should investigate?"

"Okay, then who do you think might be the murderer? Who do you usually have a grudge against?"

This question, after Shen Wanying woke up , she has been thinking about it, but thinking about it now, she can't think of anyone who wants to do this. "I don't know, we didn't have any grudges against anyone."

Officer Zuo glanced at Xiao Wu next to him, and ended today's interrogation: "That's it for today, you rest first."

After leaving Shen Wanying's ward, Xiao Wu Wu sighed again: "Team Zuo, I thought this case was quite simple at first, why is it getting more complicated now? I think our original inference is correct, the cake was prepared by Shen Wanying herself, and no one was poisoned. , can only make up for the knife."

Zuo Police Guan Dao: "If this is the case, the message that Shen Wanying sent to Boss Yuan Yuan will likely expose her. She can't control the time when the boss replies to her. If the boss replies in time, it will prove the source of the cake. Suspicious, why do they still eat?"

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