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I locked the door to my bedroom. I went into my bathroom and also locked the door there. In a fluid motion, I took out 4 throwing knives, attached them to my thigh, and added a dagger to another. A holster was clipped around my waist and I snapped a gun into it. A pistol to be precise.

I changed into a killer, with dark red lips and a black slim fitted leather dress

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I changed into a killer, with dark red lips and a black slim fitted leather dress. Most of the boys were out, so it was pretty easy to sneak out and steal a 2020 Chevrolet corvette stingray on my way out. I've never felt this free since I moved in and I am loving that my hair is flying back.

Just because I have moved into the house doesn't mean I haven't been keeping track on the underworld. I, Queen moon, is back on action. My target is a middle aged man who is an assassin, that does dirty work for the dirty. The person has paid me handsomely, over a billion, to get rid of this man.

I pull on a jeweled black mask to hide my identity. I slip into the party and sit down at the bar to get a drink. Deep red wine that only money can buy. My red lips are drenched in blood and I feel the thrumming against my heart, searching for my target. My eyes find him, and I smirk. 

My feet move rapidly while I am pulling a boy that looks around 17. His black hair is pushed back and has honey golden eyes. "I-I am not interested." He manages to push out while I am dragging him along to the dance floor. "Hush, I know you aren't I just need you for something. Your name?" My voice is cold but luring and he smirks. 

"Viper, lets go with masks." My grin lessens at the name 'viper'. He is strangely handsome, alluring even. I haven't felt this way since meeting a Caucasian guy around 2 years ago. Although he had turned out to be a spy for the opposite team and I had gotten rid of him, lets not say it was nice though.

"Thank you, but I think we'll have to cut our meeting short." With that, I spin around on my heels and move towards my target. I fall into a shadow of a girl who is overly drunk and titter over to him with a glass. "Hellllllooo sirrrr----would you wanttttt some wineee?" The man is startled but does not complain as I hand him the glass.

In that second, I have kicked him with my heel and he suddenly slumps, the poison working rapidly. I gently push him down and call for a cleanup. 

I call them my death heals, which is not over naming. The heels have little poison darts that insert the moment you jut them in a position. I simply love that I don't have to get my knives dirty.

I pull my mask off and get in the car. I arrive at the house, approximately 10 minutes before anyone gets home. Perfect timing for me to change back to the sassy little girl. Except that everyone is waiting for me by the door. 

I groan inwardly as most of them stare at my outfit. Logan has brought his friends over after their game and I can see that they are literally drooling. I lift part of my skirt to pull out a throwing knife and thrown right between Adrian's eyes without looking. 

"You missed." Rocco speaks first like I'm crazy. "First of all, I did not miss and second of all look behind." Everyone turns to see a bleeding man with a knife imbedded in his throat. The butler, and traitor. "He was a traitor, I'm sure you don't want words leaking to your 'enemies'." I emphasize the 'enemies' and turn around to go but a hand grabs me.

"Who are you? I knew you were dangerous but this is on another level. And what's with the dress? This is literally showing everything!" Damon's voice his hard. But I know the truth, and so does he.

"I think we should take this to the living room. Now, if you may excuse us boys, I have work to do." I wave to the guards to lead the boys out and Logan hurries on with it. I think tonight might be a long night.

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