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I sit on a chair at the counter and face my brothers as the file in. Rocco pulls a hand through his hair and stares at me like I had gone crazy. "Do you know how long we spent looking for you? I can't even-" He throws his hands up and paces around the room. "Yeah, about that, I borrowed your car." I smiled at him and looks about ready to burst.

"I can take care of myself. I know myself. Don't forget that I was a fighter, and I still am. Also I had a job to do today, I won't care to inform you before as this is my business." Damon spoke up and I was surprised. "Morana, you can't do that, what if we lose you again?" At that, my eyes could kill.

I scoff and face him. "Right, you are scared of 'loosing' me again. I think we should finish this conversation in your office." I turn and walk out while Damon and Adrian make the others stay back. 

The office is soundproof and it is has been decorated with black and gold finished touches. I sit at the desk and Damon growls, "Get off and stand." I smirk, "I don't think so, why don't YOU two stand?" I put my hands on the desk and lean foreword. 

"Just change already, you can do that while your in here." I smile a very fake one and pull my hair off. I mean off, like a wig. When I do, my usual dirty, ash blonde hair is taken off. Revealing beautiful slivery moonlight hair. I don't have lenses on though, this, these are my real eyes.

"Artemis, how long can you fool them?" Adrian asks in a calm manner. "Right, you literally broke my wrist and now your asking questions." He answers back but you can see the guilty expression in his eyes, "I didn't break it, but I'm sorry either ways." I just roll my eyes.

I still have the gun and knives, and my death heels. I unclip the gun from its holster and point it at Damon. He coolly grins back. "What reason do I have for not shooting you?" I release the safely button. "You need to find her, she needs you. We need you" 

I let the bullet fly, it shoots a cm away from him and cracks a vase behind. "Wrong answer. The 'we'  you are talking about, are the people that let me die. When 'I' needed you, I got no help. But the Russians did." Adrian's face is slack and I turn towards Damon. "Oh, did big brother not tell you, I'm the heir to the Russian Mafia Silvermoon. 

Not a second after, the remaining family charge in. Damon is narrowing his eyes at me while the rest are stunned. "Good to see you all, I'm thinking you saw the whole conversation through the camera you set up, along with audio." I pull 4 knives out and toss them one by one. 

Each one makes a cut along their palms, until blood is tricking down each of their palms, except Damon's. "This stays inside this room. When I go out, I will be Morana again. If the Russian's knew I was helping any of you? I will die, and so will every one of you." 'Because, I don't want you dying before I kill you all.' The difference between what I say and thinks very big. But I won't tell them that.

The story is, 2 twin girls were born that day. One girl had dirty ash blonde hair, a striking resemblance of Adrian. The other, had beautiful silvery moonlight hair, more similar to Damon and Jason than any other. Both had the stunning silver eyes of the family.

 No girls had been born for over 4 generations so everyone was overjoyed to bring 2 girls into their lives. But the mafia wasn't as strong as it was now, so they got numerous threats, but one threat made its way home...and they had to give one daughter up. They chose me.

They chose Morana over me. She got to live in peace until she was 4. But I, I was beaten, bruised over and over again. But I was smart, the moment I could I took the chance. Now I stand in the center of the game. And I won't let any other take me down again.

"How...but Adrian fought you and..." Jason stops talking. I give a small smile to him. "It was all set up. Everything from the start. When I was given a mission from the Russian's I took it, because they want my sister back. And they want her on the throne." Silence. 

"You didn't tell us this!" Damon's voice is more than frustrated. I smirk, "I'm telling you now. And, if any words leak, you all will die. Because, at the end of the day, blood is nothing but a curse. And I can't, no. WILL not save any of you." At their stunned faces, I just pick my knives up and leave. 

Jason finds me later, riding a horse. I met her when I came to this place, her name is Moon. The perfect horse for me. Her dapple gray coat is gleaming and she has a  beautiful silvery mane, just like my hair.

He rides up to me, on his own stallion. It's name is Raven, and it fits my brother so. Dark raven coat, like a shadow encasing it. "Morana." I turn expectantly. "If this is about the " " then I will personally kill you." 

"Its not about that. I need to tell you that you have to attend school." He raises an eyebrow and I groan. "School? Like high school?" Ughh." Jason grins. "You have to attend, 4 bodyguards will follow you in discreet. Don't try to leave them behind, or I will personally never allow you out of the house again." 

"Fine. Fine." I turn my horse and gallop out, leaving Jason in my wake. I need to free my stress, because tomorrow is going to be hell of a mess."

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